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Extremitäten > heaviness > lower limbs

Originalsprache: englisch
Schwere, Beine (de)
Weitere Info: OpenHomeopath
Repertorium publicum 0.9 Vladimir Polony, 2009, Auflage / Version: 0.9
161 Einträge
8 Referenzen:
nl-3 = The Homœopathic Proving of AIDS / Misha Norland
a2 = Handbook of Materia Medica and Homeopathic Therap / Allen Timothy F.
kent.en = Homeopathic Repertory / Kent James Tyler
boenn_bogner = Boger, Boenninghausen's Repertory (1937) / Cyrus Maxwell Boger
nl-4 = FALCO PEREGRINUS DISCIPLINATUS The HomœopathicProving / Misha Norland
sdj2 = The Homeopathic Proving of Heroin / Snowdon Janet
nl-7 = Anti Matter The Homœopathic Proving of Positronium / Misha Norland
pst-2 = Salix Fragilis The Homœopathic Proving of Crack Willow / Penny Stirling