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Repertory Mercurius Group all  ≥2  ≥3 
How many remedies minimum shoud be in each rubric? 2  3  4  5 
Small rubrics are shown first.
Urethra > discharge > gonorrheal > syphilitics, in 3/4 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Urethra > discharge > gonorrhoeal > syphilitics, in 3/4 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Genitalia male > Geschwüre > am Penis > hart 4/5 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Genitalia male > Eichel > Eiterung unter der Vorhaut 3/6 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Throat internal > membrane > extending to nose 3/7 Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc.
Mouth > patches, syphilitic 3/7 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Genitalia male > Geschwüre > an der Eichel 3/9 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Mouth > Speichel > übelriechend 3/9 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Genitalia male > ulcers > penis > hard 5/10 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Genitalia male > Geschwüre > am Penis 3/11 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Genitalia male > suppuration > prepuce, under the 3/11 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Throat internal > mucous patches 3/11 Merc. Merc-n. Merc-pr-r.
Rectum and Anus > Stuhldrang > anhaltend 3/11 Merc-c. Merc-d. Merc.
Generalities > Syphilis 3/12 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Eye > Schmerzen > um die Augen 3/12 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Genitalia male > Geschwüre > der Vorhaut 3/12 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Genitalia male > suppuration 3/12 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Throat internal > Belag im Hals > weiß 3/12 Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc.
Throat internal > membrane > yellow 3/12 Merc-cy. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Urethra > night 3/12 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Mouth > discoloration > tongue > yellow > dirty 3/12 Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Eye > pain > around the eyes 3/13 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Throat internal > Lähmung > Flüssigkeiten laufen aus Nase 3/13 Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc.
Urethra > Absonderung aus Harnröhre > grünlich 3/13 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Mouth > gangrenous 3/14 Merc-c. Merc-d. Merc.
Genitalia male > condylomata > penis > prepuce 3/15 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Mouth > Geschwüre des Gaumens 3/15 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Extremities > ulcers > ankle 3/16 Merc-sulf. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Mouth > membrane > palate covered with a false 3/16 Merc-cy. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Mouth > Schmerz > wie wund, Empfindlichkeit 3/16 Merc-c. Merc-sulf. Merc.
Mouth > sensitive > tongue 3/16 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Mouth > Speichelfluß 3/16 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Stool > hot 3/16 Merc-c. Merc-sulf. Merc.
Eye > inflammation > iris > syphilitic 4/17 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Face > eruptions > crusty, scabby > lips 3/17 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Throat internal > membrane > gray 3/17 Merc-cy. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Mouth > discoloration > tongue > yellow > base 4/17 Merc-cy. Merc-sulf. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Mouth > Farbe der Zunge > schwarz 3/17 Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc.
Nose > coryza > diphtheria, during 3/17 Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc-i-f.
Generalities > bones > pain > night 3/18 Cinnb. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Generalities > pain > bones > night 3/18 Cinnb. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Eye > inflammation > iris, iritis > syphilitic 5/18 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Genitalia male > Geschwüre > am Penis > Schanker 3/18 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Face > eruptions > syphilitic 3/18 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Throat internal > membrane > tonsils 3/18 Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Stomach > Erbrechen > von Galle 3/18 Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc.
Mouth > saliva > offensive 3/18 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Mouth > throat (and gullet) > phenomena > coated > membranous 4/18 Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc-i-r. Merc-i-f.
Mouth > ulcers > tongue > edges 3/18 Cinnb. Merc-cy. Merc.
Genitalia male > Entzündung > der Eichel 3/19 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Genitalia male > ulcers > penis > glans 3/19 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Abdomen > pain > sore > umbilicus > region of 3/20 Cinnb. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Throat internal > ulcers > fauces 3/20 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Chest > pain > stitching > walking 3/21 Cinnb. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Genitalia male > Condylome 3/21 Cinnb. Merc-d. Merc.
Genitalia female > leucorrhea > purulent 3/21 Cinnb. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Genitalia female > leucorrhoea > purulent 3/21 Cinnb. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Throat internal > inflammation > follicular 3/21 Merc-cy. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Urethra > discharge > white > chronic 3/21 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Head > pain > brain > touch 3/21 Cinnb. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Head > pain > brain > touch > from agg. 3/21 Cinnb. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Rectum and Anus > Tumoren, Condylome im Afterbereich 3/21 Cinnb. Merc-d. Merc.
Mouth > membrane 3/21 Merc-cy. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Eye > pannus 3/22 Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Throat internal > internal 4/22 Merc-cy. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Rectum and Anus > condylomata 3/22 Cinnb. Merc-d. Merc.
Urine > Urin > dick aussehend 3/22 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Eye > Entzündung > der Aderhaut (Chorioidea) 3/23 Merc-c. Merc-d. Merc.
Eye > inflammation > syphilitic 5/23 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Genitalia male > Verhärtung > der Hoden 3/23 Cinnb. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Throat internal > membrane > white 4/23 Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Genitalia male > ulcers > penis > prepuce 4/24 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Urethra > discharge > greenish 3/24 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Skin > Feigwarzen 3/24 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Mouth > Entzündung im Mund 4/24 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc.
Face > discoloration > black > lips 3/25 Merc-c. Merc-sulf. Merc.
Throat internal > ulcers > tonsils 4/25 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Throat internal > Schlucken > Neigung zum dauernden 3/26 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Head > constriction > forehead > band, as from 3/26 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Mouth > throat (and gullet) > phenomena > soreness 3/26 Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Eye > inflammation > choroid 3/27 Merc-c. Merc-d. Merc.
Eye > inflammation > cornea 3/27 Cinnb. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Eye > photophobia > sunlight 3/27 Merc-c. Merc-sulf. Merc.
Face > sensitive 3/27 Merc-cy. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Mouth > ulcers > palate 4/27 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc.
Throat internal > liquids taken are forced into nose 3/28 Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc.
Throat internal > pain > cold 3/28 Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Mouth > discoloration > redness 5/28 Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc-i-r. Merc-sulf. Merc.
Mouth > Geschmack > metallisch 3/28 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Throat internal > discoloration > redness > pharynx 3/29 Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Mouth > throat (and gullet) > phenomena > ulcers 4/29 Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Eye > Entzündung > der Iris 3/30 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Genitalia male > condylomata > penis 3/30 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Urinary Organs > urethra > phenomena > discharge from > gonorrheal 3/30 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Skin > ulcers > syphilitic 3/30 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Nose > liquids come out through nose on attempting to swallow 3/30 Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc.
Eye > inflammation > lids > margins 3/31 Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Abdomen > tabes mesenterica 3/31 Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Genitalia male > swelling > penis > prepuce 3/32 Cinnb. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Genitalia female > tumors > uterus > fibroid 3/32 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Clinical > tumors > fibroid 3/32 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Nose > sinuses 3/32 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Urine > Urinmenge > vermindert 3/32 Merc-c. Merc-d. Merc.
Throat internal > gangrene 3/33 Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc.
Inguinal and Pubic Region > phenomena > glands > swollen 3/33 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Mouth > discoloration > tongue > black 4/33 Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc-sulf. Merc.
Mouth > Schwellung der Zunge 3/33 Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc.
Urethra > discharge > white 3/34 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Skin > eruptions > syphilitic 4/34 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Mouth > throat (and gullet) > location > right 3/34 Merc-d. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Face > discoloration > black 3/35 Merc-c. Merc-sulf. Merc.
Skin and Exterior body > phenomena > eruptions > pustular 3/35 Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Rectum and Anus > Afterschmerzen > brennend > bei Stuhlgang 3/35 Merc-c. Merc-sulf. Merc.
Rectum and Anus > urging > constant 3/35 Merc-c. Merc-d. Merc.
Stool > phenomena > bilious 3/35 Merc-c. Merc-d. Merc.
Eye > inflammation > cornea, keratitis 4/36 Cinnb. Merc-cy. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Genitalia male > phimosis 4/36 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Face > swelling > lips > upper 3/36 Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Mouth > throat (and gullet) > phenomena > coated 5/36 Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Extremities > motion > upper limbs 3/37 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Genitalia male > Schwellung > der Hoden 3/37 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Genitalia female > tumors > uterus 3/37 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Mouth > papillae, tongue > erect 4/37 Merc-c. Merc-sulf. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Mouth > throat (and gullet) > phenomena > red 3/37 Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Head > pain > forehead > night agg. 4/38 Cinnb. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Stool > Stuhl > schwarz 3/38 Merc-c. Merc-d. Merc.
Abdomen > bubo 3/39 Cinnb. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Abdomen > pain > sore > umbilicus 3/39 Cinnb. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Genitalia male > condylomata 4/39 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-d. Merc.
Skin > eruptions > pemphigus 3/39 Merc-c. Merc. Merc-pr-r.
Face > pain (aching, prosopalgia, etc.) > stinging 3/40 Cinnb. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Face > pain > stinging 3/40 Cinnb. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Throat internal > elongated uvula 4/40 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Throat external > pain > sides 3/40 Cinnb. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Head > pain > forehead > night 4/40 Cinnb. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Aggravation and Amelioration in general > phenomena > swallowing > empty, (saliva) > agg. 3/40 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Eye > pain > night 3/41 Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Throat external and Neck > pain > sides 3/41 Cinnb. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Mouth > tongue > phenomena > red 3/41 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc-i-f.
Aggravation and Amelioration in general > phenomena > swallowing > empty, (saliva) 3/41 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Eye > granular lids 3/42 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc-i-f.
Eye > inflammation > conjunctiva (conjunctivitis) > pustular (including cornea) 4/42 Merc-c. Merc-d. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Eye > inflammation > conjunctiva > pustular (including cornea) 4/42 Merc-c. Merc-d. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Eye > photophobia > daylight 3/42 Merc-c. Merc-sulf. Merc.
Mouth > papillae, tongue 4/42 Merc-c. Merc-sulf. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Urine > albuminous > pregnancy 3/42 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Extremities > contraction > hand 3/43 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Inguinal and Pubic Region > phenomena > glands 3/43 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Mouth > phenomena, mouth (buccal cavity) > phenomena > aphthae 3/43 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Extremities > pain > night 4/44 Cinnb. Merc-sulf. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Genitalia male > inflammation > penis > glans 3/44 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Genitalia male > inflammation > penis > glans (balanitis) 3/44 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Throat internal > suppuration, tonsils 4/44 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Mouth > sensitive 3/44 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Mouth > throat (and gullet) > phenomena > inflamed > tonsils 3/44 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Urine > color > red > dark-red 3/44 Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Teeth > sensitive > tender 3/44 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Extremities > pain > aching > forearm 4/45 Cinnb. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Genitalia male > ulcers > penis > chancres 6/45 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-act. Merc-i-f.
Genitalia female > ulcers 4/45 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Face > pain (aching, prosopalgia, etc.) > jaw > lower jaw 3/47 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Urethra > Absonderung aus Harnröhre > gonorrhoisch 3/47 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Skin > ulcers > phagedenic 3/47 Cinnb. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Mouth > discoloration > gums > redness 3/47 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Mouth > taste > slimy 3/47 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Stool > greasy 3/47 Merc-c. Merc-d. Merc.
Generalities > syphilis 5/48 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Eye > inflammation > iris 4/48 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Mouth > stiff, tongue 3/48 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Nose > polypus 3/48 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Ear > noises > evening 3/48 Cinnb. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Face > eruptions > crusty, scabby > nose 3/49 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Face > pain > jaw > lower jaw 3/49 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Heart and Circulation > pulse > strong 3/49 Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc.
Mouth > discoloration > tongue > red > edges 4/49 Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Nose > pain > rawness 3/49 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Nose > phenomena > discharges > posterior nares, through 4/49 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Eye > margins of lids 3/50 Cinnb. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Eye > phenomena > sunken, hollow-eyed 3/50 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Extremities lower > phenomena > ulcers or sores > leg 3/50 Cinnb. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Mind > delirium > night 3/50 Merc-c. Merc-sulf. Merc.
Genitalia female > leucorrhoea > bloody 3/50 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Throat internal > mucus > drawn from posterior nares 5/50 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Urinary Organs > urethra > phenomena > discharge from 3/50 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Rectum and Anus > urging > stool > after 3/50 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Mouth > coated, tongue > yellowish 4/50 Merc-c. Merc. Merc-act. Merc-i-f.
Mouth > tongue > phenomena > coated (not clear) > yellowish 4/50 Merc-c. Merc. Merc-act. Merc-i-f.
Genitalia male > induration > testes 3/51 Cinnb. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Face > stiffness, muscles > lower jaw 3/51 Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Stomach > thirst > unquenchable 3/51 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Genitalia male > eruptions > penis 3/52 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Skin > excrescences > condylomata 5/52 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-d. Merc. Merc-n.
Mouth > throat (and gullet) > phenomena > mucus, in 3/52 Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc.
Mouth > throat (and gullet) > phenomena > plug, lump, etc. 3/52 Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Nose > pain > root 3/52 Cinnb. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Eye > iris 4/53 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Genitalia female > leucorrhea > bloody 3/53 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Face > eruptions > eczema 3/53 Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-pr-a.
Throat internal > pain > swallowing > empty, on 5/53 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Stool > tenacious 3/53 Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Abdomen > pain > stool > diarrhea, during 3/54 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Abdomen > pain > stool > diarrhoea, during 3/54 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Extremities > pain > sore, bruised > forearm 3/54 Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Nose > location > internal > posteriorly, naso-pharynx 4/54 Cinnb. Merc-d. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Eye > inflammation > catarrhal from cold 3/55 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Eye > inflammation > iris, iritis 5/55 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Extremities > pain > bones 3/55 Cinnb. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Genitalia male > induration 3/55 Cinnb. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Ear > pain > boring in 3/55 Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Mouth > throat (and gullet) > phenomena > painful 3/56 Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Nose > diphtheria in 5/56 Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc-i-r. Merc-i-f. Merc-s-cy.
Nose > ozaena 3/56 Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Generalities > eating > amel. 3/57 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Eye > ulceration > cornea 4/57 Merc-c. Merc-d. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Extremities > pain > knee > walking > on agg. 3/57 Cinnb. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Throat internal > membrane > exudation, diphtheria, etc. 5/57 Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Throat external and Neck > thyroid, phenomena > gland (goitre) 3/57 Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Head internal > phenomena > cutting 3/57 Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Mouth > ulcers > gums 3/57 Merc-c. Merc. Merc-pr-r.
Generalities > Schwäche 3/58 Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc.
Chest > inner chest > phenomena > sticking, stitches, etc. > to back, extending from 3/58 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Extremities lower > phenomena > ulcers or sores 3/58 Cinnb. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Genitalia male > inflammation > penis 3/58 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Genitalia male > perspiration 3/58 Cinnb. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Mouth > saliva > viscid 3/58 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Throat external and Neck > thyroid, phenomena 3/59 Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Kidneys > pain > sore, bruised 3/59 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Stool > mucous > green 3/59 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Face > pain (aching, prosopalgia, etc.) > sore, bruised 3/60 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc-i-f.
Aggravation and Amelioration in general > phenomena > sun 3/61 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Extremities > pain > aching > thigh 3/62 Cinnb. Merc-i-r. Merc-i-f.
Face > stiffness, muscles 3/62 Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Eye > opacity of cornea 4/63 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Extremities > numbness > forearm 3/63 Cinnb. Merc-sulf. Merc.
Genitalia male > swelling > penis 4/63 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Back > pain > night 3/63 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Eye > ulcers > cornea 5/64 Merc-c. Merc-d. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Larynx and Trachea > voice > rough 3/64 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Urine > thick 3/64 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Extremities > eruption > upper limbs > vesicles 3/65 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Face > pain > sore, bruised 3/65 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc-i-f.
Menstruation > concomitants before menses > head 3/65 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Mouth > mucous membrane 4/65 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc-sulf. Merc.
Mind > air, in open, amel. 4/66 Cinnb. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Mouth > pain > burning > palate 3/66 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Stool > perineum 3/66 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Appetite > disgust > eating > food > loathing 3/67 Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Appetite > phenomena > repugnance > to food, loathing 3/67 Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Eye > inflammation > scrofulous 3/67 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Extremities > discoloration > upper limbs 3/67 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Genitalia male > ulcers > penis 7/67 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-act. Merc-i-f. Merc-pr-r.
Throat internal > inflammation > tonsils 5/67 Merc-cy. Merc-d. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Throat internal > membrane 5/67 Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Stomach > vomiting > drinking > after 3/68 Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc.
Nose > ozena 3/68 Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Stool > small 3/68 Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Appetite > disgust > eating > food 3/69 Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Abdomen > pain > cutting > stool > before 3/69 Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Nose > discharge > posterior nares 5/69 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Stomach > thirst > burning, vehement 3/70 Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Nose > catarrh > post nasal 3/70 Cinnb. Merc-i-r. Merc-i-f.
Voice and Speech > conditions of voice 3/70 Cinnb. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Teeth > sensitive 3/70 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Bladder > urination > feeble stream (slow) 3/71 Merc-c. Merc. Merc-act.
Extremities > pain > thumb 3/71 Cinnb. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Clinical > polypus 3/71 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Ear > night 3/71 Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Abdomen > swelling > inguinal region > glands, of 4/72 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Extremities > cramps > hand 4/72 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Genitalia male > ulcers 7/72 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-act. Merc-i-f. Merc-pr-r.
Throat internal > swallow, constant disposition to 4/72 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Throat external > swelling > cervical glands 3/72 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Rectum and Anus > pain > tenesmus > stool > after agg. 3/72 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Stool > acrid, corrosive, excoriating 3/72 Merc-c. Merc-d. Merc.
Appetite > disgust > eating 3/73 Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Appetite > phenomena > repugnance 3/73 Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Glands > phenomena > indurations (nodes) 3/73 Merc-d. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Extremities > sensitive 3/73 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Genitalia male > seminal discharge 3/73 Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Rectum and Anus > pain > stool > after agg. 3/73 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Mouth > discoloration > gums 4/73 Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Nose > phenomena > discharges > acrid 3/73 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Perspiration > profuse > night 3/73 Merc-i-r. Merc-sulf. Merc.
Extremities > pain > knee > walking 3/74 Cinnb. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Genitalia female > leucorrhoea > yellow 5/74 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Skin > eruptions > psoriasis 3/74 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Ear > morning 3/74 Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Stomach > vomiting > drinking 3/75 Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc.
Genitalia male > pain > stitching > penis 3/76 Cinnb. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Genitalia female > tumors 3/76 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Throat external and Neck > glands > cervical 3/76 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Cough > rattling 4/76 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Chill > creeping 3/76 Merc-c. Merc-sulf. Merc.
Mouth > heat 3/76 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Mouth > ulcers > tongue 4/76 Cinnb. Merc-cy. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Ear > pain > boring 3/76 Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Eye > ulceration 4/77 Merc-c. Merc-d. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Abdomen > swelling > inguinal region 4/77 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Throat internal > pharynx 3/77 Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Skin > night 3/77 Cinnb. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Head > pain > shooting > forehead 3/77 Cinnb. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Mouth > throat (and gullet) > phenomena > inflamed 3/77 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Sleep > forenoon 3/77 Cinnb. Merc-sulf. Merc.
Extremities > pain > tearing > hip 3/78 Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Genitalia female > leucorrhoea > copious 3/78 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Face > locations of sensations > articulation of jaws 3/78 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Throat external and Neck > swelling > cervical glands 3/78 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Stool > mucous > bloody 3/78 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Eye > phenomena > inflammation 3/79 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Extremities > discoloration > fingers > nails 3/79 Merc-c. Merc-sulf. Merc.
Extremities > pain > stitching > lower limbs 3/79 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Mouth > pain > burnt, as if 3/79 Merc-c. Merc-sulf. Merc.
Extremities > pain > foot > sole 3/80 Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Fever > sweat > with inclination to uncover 3/80 Cinnb. Merc-cy. Merc.
Genitalia female > leucorrhea > copious 3/80 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Genitalia female > leucorrhea > yellow 5/80 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Urethra > discharge > gleety 3/80 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Eye > orbits 3/81 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Expectoration > greenish 3/81 Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Mouth > pain > sore > tongue 3/81 Merc-c. Merc-sulf. Merc.
Ear > inflammation 3/81 Merc-c. Merc-d. Merc.
Stool > brown 3/81 Merc-c. Merc-sulf. Merc.
Eye > inflammation > lids 4/82 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Eye > ulcers 5/82 Merc-c. Merc-d. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Extremities > pain > drawing > lower limbs 3/82 Cinnb. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Face > eruptions > crusty, scabby 4/82 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Face > inflammation 3/82 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Throat internal > ulcers 7/82 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc-d. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Menstruation > after menstruation 3/82 Cinnb. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Stool > bilious 4/82 Merc-c. Merc-d. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Mind > starting > sleep > from sleep 3/83 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Face > erysipelas 3/83 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Skin > ulcers > indurated 3/83 Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Head > inflammation 3/83 Merc-c. Merc-d. Merc.
Nose > swelling > of 3/83 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Nose > swelling of 3/83 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Teeth > elongation, sensation of 4/83 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Extremities > cramps > leg 3/84 Merc-c. Merc-d. Merc.
Fever and Heat in general > partial heat > in throat 3/84 Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Clinical > psora 3/84 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Head > pain > pressure > amel. 3/84 Cinnb. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Rectum and Anus > prolapsus 3/84 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Aggravation and Amelioration in general > phenomena > talking, speaking > agg. 3/84 Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc.
Generalities > change of 3/85 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Chest > pain > stitching > sides > right 3/85 Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Throat internal > inflammation > tonsils (tonsilitis) 6/85 Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc-d. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Mouth > taste > putrid 3/85 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Mouth > vesicles > tongue 3/85 Merc-cy. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Aggravation and Amelioration in general > phenomena > talking, speaking 3/85 Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc.
Eye > inflammation > conjunctiva 5/86 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-d. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Extremities > twitching > leg 3/86 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Genitalia female > leucorrhea > acrid, excoriating 3/86 Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Genitalia female > leucorrhoea > acrid, excoriating 3/86 Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Face > swelling > parotid gland 5/86 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Face > swelling > submaxillary glands 5/86 Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Throat internal > swelling > tonsils 5/86 Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Kidneys > suppression of urine 3/86 Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc.
Abdomen > inguinal glands 4/87 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Abdomen > pain > stitching > liver 3/87 Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Extremities > upper limbs > left 3/87 Cinnb. Merc-i-r. Merc-i-f.
Urethra > discharge > gonorrhoeal 3/87 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Ear > inflammation, otitis 3/87 Merc-c. Merc-d. Merc.
Generalities > pulse > weak 3/88 Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc.
Abdomen > pain > cutting > stool 3/88 Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Genitalia male > eruptions 4/88 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Face > swelling > lips 3/88 Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Urethra > discharge > gonorrheal 3/88 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Stomach > constriction 3/88 Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Nose > discharge > crusts > scabs, inside 3/88 Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Vertigo > stooping > on agg. 3/88 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Vision > photomania 3/88 Merc-c. Merc. Merc-n.
Face > pain (aching, prosopalgia, etc.) > jaw 3/89 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Throat external > swelling 3/89 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Throat external and Neck > glands 3/89 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Head > pain > cold 3/89 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Head > pain > eating > after agg. 3/89 Cinnb. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Mouth > mouth in general 3/89 Merc-c. Merc-d. Merc.
Mouth > taste > metallic 5/89 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc-sulf. Merc.
Ear > pulsation 3/89 Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Vertigo > stooping 3/89 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Stool > phenomena > mucus 3/89 Merc-c. Merc-d. Merc.
Abdomen > hypochondrium > left 3/90 Cinnb. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Extremities > pain > aching > leg 3/90 Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Throat internal > uvula 4/90 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Rectum and Anus > pain > burning > stool > during 3/90 Merc-c. Merc-sulf. Merc.
Eye > strabismus 3/91 Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Extremities > swelling > upper limbs 3/91 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Genitalia > male organs > foreskin 3/91 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Genitalia male > swelling > testes 4/91 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc-sulf. Merc.
Throat internal > pain > pressing 4/91 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Bladder > inflammation 4/92 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Head > pain > brain 3/93 Cinnb. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Rectum and Anus > evening 3/93 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Ear > itching in 4/93 Cinnb. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Bladder > neck of bladder 3/94 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Extremities > pain > leg > calf 4/94 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc-i-r.
Circulation > pulse > full 3/94 Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc.
Circulation > pulse > intermittent 3/94 Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc.
Ear > itching > in 4/94 Cinnb. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Bones > jerking pain 3/95 Cinnb. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Head > pain > pain in neck, with 3/95 Cinnb. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Stomach > desires > cold drinks 3/95 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Nose > discharge > yellow 4/96 Cinnb. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Sensorium > phenomena > faintness, fainting, etc. 3/96 Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Face > eruptions > lips 3/97 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Face > pain > jaw 3/97 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Head > eruption > crusts, scabs 3/97 Merc. Merc-act. Merc-i-f.
Rectum and Anus > prolapse 3/97 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Eye > inflammation > conjunctiva (conjunctivitis) 5/98 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-d. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Chest > swelling 3/98 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Face > cracked lips 3/98 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Throat external and Neck > swelling 3/98 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Rectum and Anus > diarrhoea > night 3/98 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Nose > discharge > excoriating 4/98 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Generalities > haemorrhage agg. 3/99 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Generalities > pulse > hard 3/99 Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc.
Generalities > haemorrhage 3/100 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Clinical > scrofulosis 4/100 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc. Aethi-a.
Chill > warm room 3/100 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Rectum and Anus > diarrhea > night 3/100 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Menstruation > concomitants during menses > head 3/100 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Nose > bones 5/100 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Extremities > pain > sore, bruised > upper limbs 3/101 Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Extremities > pain > toes > first 3/101 Cinnb. Merc-i-r. Merc-i-f.
Mind > eating, after, agg. 3/101 Cinnb. Merc-sulf. Merc.
Face > parotid glands 5/101 Cinnb. Merc-cy. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Face > submaxillary glands 5/101 Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Clinical > hemorrhage > agg. 3/101 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Rectum and Anus > urging > stool 3/101 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Nose > discharge > crusts 3/101 Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Stool > like sheep dung 3/101 Merc-c. Merc-d. Merc.
Generalities > pulse > small 3/102 Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc.
Expectoration > Grünlich 3/102 Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Abdomen > liver and region of 3/102 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Glands > smarting 3/102 Merc-d. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Throat internal > mucus > tenacious 5/102 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Clinical > syphilis 7/102 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Aethi-a. Merc-i-f. Merc-n.
Circulation > pulse > hard 3/102 Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc.
Rectum and Anus > pain > soreness 4/102 Merc-c. Merc-sulf. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Throat internal > discoloration > redness 5/103 Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Mouth > swelling > tongue 4/103 Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc-sulf. Merc.
Kidneys > inflammation 3/103 Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc.
Stool > hemorrhoids 3/103 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Bladder > urging > constant 3/104 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Genitalia male > pain > stitching 4/104 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Head > pain > forehead > right side 3/104 Cinnb. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Head > pain > pressure 3/104 Cinnb. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Head > pain > sides > left 3/104 Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Stool > black 4/104 Merc-c. Merc-d. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Generalities > pulse > irregular 3/105 Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc.
Bladder > urging to urinate (morbid desire) > constant 3/105 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Genitalia male > inflammation 3/105 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Throat internal > heat 4/105 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-sulf. Merc.
Heart and Circulation > pulse > hard 3/105 Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc.
Mouth > phenomena, mouth (buccal cavity) > phenomena > odor from, bad breath, etc. 4/105 Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Eye > redness > lids 4/106 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Extremities > itching > hand 3/106 Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Cough > expectoration > bloody 3/106 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Nose > swelling 5/106 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc-sulf. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Extremities upper > phenomena > numb, deadness 4/107 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Head > pain > mental exertion 3/107 Cinnb. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Generalities > pain > bones 3/108 Cinnb. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Eye > night 5/108 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f. Merc-n.
Genitalia > male organs > in general 3/108 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Throat internal > discoloration 6/108 Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc-i-r. Merc-sulf. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Mouth > discoloration > tongue > yellow 6/108 Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc-i-r. Merc-sulf. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Mouth > inflammation 4/108 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc.
Stool > blackish (and dark) 3/108 Merc-c. Merc-d. Merc.
Generalities > pulse > slow 4/109 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc.
Skin and Exterior body > phenomena > nodes (bumps, protuberances) 3/109 Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Head > coldness > chilliness, etc. 3/109 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Head > pain > forehead > right 4/109 Cinnb. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Mouth > aphthae 4/109 Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc-d. Merc.
Mouth > swelling > gums 5/109 Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Mouth > throat (and gullet) > phenomena > hawking mucus 4/109 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Extremities > motion 4/110 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc. Merc-n.
Skin > eruptions > crusty 3/110 Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Mouth > throat (and gullet) > phenomena > dry 3/110 Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Mouth > vesicles 4/110 Cinnb. Merc-cy. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Generalities > pulse > full 3/111 Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc.
Generalities > side > left 3/111 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Heart and Circulation > pulse > weak 3/111 Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc.
Mouth > taste > bad 4/111 Cinnb. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Sleep > sleepiness > forenoon 3/111 Cinnb. Merc-sulf. Merc.
Teeth > pain > drawing 3/111 Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Mind > fretfulness 3/112 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Taste > bad (foul, putrid) 3/112 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Head > heat > forehead 3/112 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Nose > posterior nares 5/112 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Back > heat 3/112 Cinnb. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Aggravation and Amelioration in general > phenomena > awaking, when > agg. 3/112 Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Genitalia male > phenomena 3/113 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Larynx and Trachea > voice > lost 3/113 Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Head > pain > eating > after 3/113 Cinnb. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Ear > evening 4/113 Cinnb. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Aggravations > summer, in 5/113 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-d. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Aggravation and Amelioration in general > phenomena > awaking, when 3/113 Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Abdomen > pain > cramping, griping > stool 3/114 Cinnb. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Skin > warts 4/114 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Rectum and Anus > pain > sore 4/114 Merc-c. Merc-sulf. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Nose > discharge > thick 3/114 Cinnb. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Nose > location > internal 4/114 Cinnb. Merc-d. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Ear > eruptions 3/114 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Stool > troubles > after stool 3/114 Merc-c. Merc-d. Merc.
Appetite > desires > cold > drinks 3/115 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Respiration > impeded 3/115 Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Eye > swollen > lids 4/115 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Heart and Circulation > pulse > small 3/115 Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc.
Abdomen > hard 4/116 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Chest > night 4/116 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Extremities > pain > stitching > hip 3/116 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Head > pain > forehead > evening agg. 4/116 Cinnb. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Head internal > vertex 3/116 Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Circulation > heart beat 3/116 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Extremities > discoloration > fingers 4/117 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-sulf. Merc.
Fever > continued fever > typhus, typhoid 3/117 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Throat internal > hawk, disposition to 3/117 Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Cough > loose 3/117 Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Clinical > dropsy > external 3/117 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Mouth > discoloration > tongue > red 4/117 Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Aggravation and Amelioration in general > phenomena > swallowing 4/117 Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Extremities > ulcers 5/118 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-sulf. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Head > pain > pressing > forehead > eyes, over 3/118 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Chill > warm 3/118 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Aggravations > raising > eyes 3/118 Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Appetite > desires > cold 3/119 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Extremities > inflammation 3/119 Merc-c. Merc. Merc-n.
Genitalia male > prepuce 5/119 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Heart and Circulation > pulse > full 3/119 Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc.
Air-passages > voice > deep 3/119 Cinnb. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Nose > discharge > blood 3/119 Cinnb. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Back > night 3/119 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Back > tension 3/119 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Mind > morose 3/120 Cinnb. Merc-sulf. Merc.
Mouth > coated, tongue 4/120 Merc-c. Merc. Merc-act. Merc-i-f.
Mouth > tongue > phenomena > coated (not clear) 4/120 Merc-c. Merc. Merc-act. Merc-i-f.
Nose > odor from nose 3/120 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Nose > odor from nose > urinous 3/120 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Aggravations > raising 3/120 Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Abdomen > swelling 4/121 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Extremities > heaviness > tired limbs 3/121 Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Extremities > pain > shooting 3/121 Cinnb. Merc-sulf. Merc.
Extremities > pain > tearing > thigh 3/121 Cinnb. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Face > dryness > lips 4/121 Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Heart and Circulation > pulse > irregular 3/121 Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc.
Heart and Circulation > pulse > slow 4/121 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc.
Head > pain > forehead > evening 4/121 Cinnb. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Mouth > pain > burning > raw and smarting 4/121 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc-sulf. Merc.
Ear > hearing > difficult 3/121 Merc-d. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Appetite > disgust 3/122 Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Eye > discharges 3/122 Cinnb. Merc. Merc-n.
Eye > weak 3/122 Cinnb. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Eye > weakness 3/122 Cinnb. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Abdomen internal > abdomen in general 3/122 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Mind > mirth > hilarity, liveliness, etc. 4/122 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Urinary Organs > urethra > phenomena 3/122 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Clinical > abscess 3/122 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Ear > discharges 5/122 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Aethi-a.
Generalities > swelling > glands 6/123 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-d. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Sensations > jerking 3/123 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Urinary Organs > kidneys > phenomena 3/123 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Nose > external 4/123 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Stool > copious 4/123 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Nausea and vomiting > loathing 4/123 Merc-c. Merc-d. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Eye > cornea 7/124 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-d. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f. Merc-n.
Chest > eruptions 4/124 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Glands > Glands 4/124 Cinnb. Merc-d. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Throat internal > pain > stitching 4/124 Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Clinical > tumors 3/124 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Head > pain > eating 3/124 Cinnb. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Extremities > numbness > foot 4/125 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-sulf. Merc.
Fever and Heat in general > partial heat > in head 4/125 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Face > dryness 4/125 Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Clinical > cancer 3/125 Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Head > pain > tearing > forehead 4/125 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Head > pulsating > forehead 3/125 Cinnb. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Inguinal and Pubic Region > phenomena 3/125 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Sleep > afternoon 3/125 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc-sulf.
Aggravation and Amelioration in general > phenomena > rising 3/125 Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Respiration > accelerated 3/126 Merc-c. Merc-sulf. Merc.
Chest > morning 3/126 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Extremities > convulsion 3/126 Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc.
Extremities > pain > drawing > upper limbs 3/126 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Fever > continued fever 3/126 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Urinary Organs > urethra 3/126 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Clinical > gonorrhea 5/126 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc. Merc-n. Merc-pr-r.
Respiration > sobbing 3/127 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Expectoration > viscid 3/127 Merc-c. Merc-sulf. Merc.
Face > pain (aching, prosopalgia, etc.) > stitching 3/127 Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Urinary Organs > kidneys 3/127 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Hearing > lost (deafness) 3/127 Merc-c. Merc-d. Merc.
Stomach > appetite > diminished 4/127 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Sleep > sleepiness > morning 3/127 Cinnb. Merc-sulf. Merc.
Stool > green 4/127 Merc-c. Merc-d. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Eye > location 3/128 Cinnb. Merc. Merc-n.
Chest > pain > aching 4/128 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Urethra > meatus 3/128 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Mouth > odor (breath) > offensive 3/128 Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Ear > stopped sensation 4/128 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Generalities > lying > side on 3/129 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Bladder > retention 5/130 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc-d. Merc.
Bladder > retention of urine 5/130 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc-d. Merc.
Extremities > lameness 3/130 Cinnb. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Face > pain > stitching 3/130 Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Head > pain > night agg. 4/130 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Mouth > throat (and gullet) > phenomena > swallowing 3/130 Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Ear > itching 4/130 Cinnb. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Generalities > forenoon 3/131 Cinnb. Merc-d. Merc.
Extremities > heaviness > upper limbs 4/131 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Skin > excrescences 5/131 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-d. Merc. Merc-n.
Head > pain > night > agg. 4/131 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Head > pain > tearing > rending 3/131 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Stomach > vomiting > mucus 3/131 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Back > pain > stitching > shooting 3/131 Cinnb. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Vertigo > rising 4/131 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Stool > phenomena > diarrhea 3/131 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Eye > pain > aching 3/132 Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Abdomen > hypochondrium > right 3/132 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Throat external > pain 3/132 Cinnb. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Mouth > palate > phenomena 3/132 Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc.
Mouth > ulcers 7/132 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc-d. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-pr-r.
Extremities > pain > stitching > thigh 3/133 Cinnb. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Head external > External head 3/133 Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Perspiration > cold 3/133 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Generalities > constriction > externally 3/134 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Generalities > constriction externally 3/134 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Generalities > twitching 3/134 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Appetite > diminished 4/134 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Abdomen internal > hypochondria 4/134 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-d. Merc.
Sensations > comfortable sensation 3/134 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Extremities > pain > drawing > thigh 3/134 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Head > pain > night 4/134 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Stomach > aversion > food 4/134 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Mouth > saliva > diminished 4/134 Merc-c. Merc-d. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Generalities > stretching 3/135 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Abdomen > pain > umbilicus > region of 3/135 Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Fever > night 3/135 Cinnb. Merc-cy. Merc.
Genitalia male > glans 4/135 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Head > constriction > forehead 3/135 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Mouth > saliva > increased 4/135 Merc-c. Merc-d. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Sleep > dreams > vivid 4/135 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-sulf. Merc.
Respiration > arrested 3/136 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Chest > inner chest > phenomena > sticking, stitches, etc. 3/136 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Throat internal > lump, plug, etc., sensation of 4/136 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Throat external and Neck > pain 3/136 Cinnb. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Skin and Exterior body > phenomena > ulcers 3/136 Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Head > forenoon 3/136 Cinnb. Merc-i-r. Merc-i-f.
Head > heaviness > forehead 3/136 Cinnb. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Rectum and Anus > pain > stool 3/136 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Teeth > right 3/136 Merc-c. Merc-d. Merc.
Extremities > jerking 3/137 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Extremities > numbness > fingers 3/137 Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Mind > mirth 4/137 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Rectum and Anus > pain > burning > stool 3/137 Merc-c. Merc-sulf. Merc.
Generalities > pressure 3/138 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Generalities > touch > agg. 3/138 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Generalities > touch agg. 3/138 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Expectoration > yellow 3/138 Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Mind > afternoon 4/138 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Throat internal > pain > swallowing > on 6/138 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Throat external and Neck > External throat and neck 3/138 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Rectum and Anus > dysentery 5/138 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc-d. Merc.
Abdomen > inflammation 4/139 Merc-c. Merc-d. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Glands > phenomena 3/139 Merc-d. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Genitalia male > swelling 6/139 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc-sulf. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Stomach > vomiting > bile 3/139 Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc.
Mouth > throat (and gullet) > location 4/139 Merc-d. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Nose > pain > sore 4/139 Merc-c. Merc-sulf. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Nose > phenomena > bleeding 3/139 Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc.
Mind > starting > sleep 3/140 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Urethra > discharge 4/140 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Sleep > dreams > amorous 4/140 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Genitalia > male organs 3/141 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Throat internal > swelling 5/141 Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Cough > paroxysmal 5/141 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc-sulf. Merc.
Inguinal and Pubic Region > Inguinal and Pubic Region 3/141 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Stool > troubles 3/141 Merc-c. Merc-d. Merc.
Extremities > numbness > hand 4/142 Merc-c. Merc-sulf. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Extremities > pulsation 3/142 Merc-sulf. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Fever > heat > with inclination to uncover 3/142 Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc.
Face > pain (aching, prosopalgia, etc.) > burning 3/142 Merc-c. Merc-sulf. Merc.
Nose > pain > in 4/142 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Urine > color > red 4/142 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Appetite > aversion > food 4/143 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Eye > evening 3/143 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Abdomen external > External abdomen 3/143 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Sensations > pressing (simple pain) 3/143 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Skin > eruptions > eczema 3/143 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Bones > Bones 4/143 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Rectum and Anus > pain > tenesmus > stool 3/143 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Face > pain > burning 3/144 Merc-c. Merc-sulf. Merc.
Mouth > mucus 3/144 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Sleep > morning 4/144 Cinnb. Merc-i-r. Merc-sulf. Merc.
Stool > phenomena > constipation 3/144 Merc-c. Merc-d. Merc.
Abdomen > night 3/145 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Nose > location 4/145 Cinnb. Merc-d. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Voice and Speech > phenomena 3/145 Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc.
Bladder > urination > dysuria 4/146 Merc-c. Merc-sulf. Merc. Merc-act.
Fever > sweat 4/146 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc.
Throat internal > choking > constricting 3/146 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Eye > aggravation 3/147 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Abdomen > location 3/147 Merc-c. Merc-d. Merc.
Extremities > swelling > foot 3/147 Merc-c. Merc-sulf. Merc.
Cough > before and after coughing and after expectoration 4/147 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc.
Head > itching of scalp 5/147 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-sulf. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Rectum and Anus > pain > stitching 3/147 Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Mouth > dryness > tongue 5/147 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc-sulf. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Nose > root 4/147 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Generalities > heat > flushes of 3/148 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Generalities > touch 3/148 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Extremities > pain > rheumatic 4/148 Merc-i-r. Merc-sulf. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Clinical > swelling > glands 6/148 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-d. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Sleep > deep 3/148 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Extremities > pain > stitching > fingers 3/149 Cinnb. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Head internal > forehead 3/149 Cinnb. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Stool > scanty 4/149 Merc-c. Merc-sulf. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Dreams > amorous 4/149 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Aggravations > food and drink 3/149 Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Abdomen > pain > liver 3/150 Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Circulation > congestions 3/150 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Stomach > pain > sore > bruised, beaten (tenderness) 4/150 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-sulf. Merc.
Ear > hearing > illusions of 5/150 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-d. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Back > itching 4/150 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Respiration > accompanying troubles of respiration 3/151 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Extremities > numbness > upper limbs 5/151 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-sulf. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Menstruation > concomitants before menses 3/151 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Voice and Speech > Voice and Speech 5/151 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Stool > mucous 3/151 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Generalities > weakness > morning 3/152 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Extremities > pain > drawing > leg 3/152 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Head > coldness 4/152 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Abdomen > pain > drawing 3/153 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Abdomen > tension 3/153 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Chest > pain > cutting (sudden sharp pain) 3/153 Cinnb. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Extremities > pain > toes 5/153 Cinnb. Merc-i-r. Merc-sulf. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Fever > heat in general 3/153 Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc.
Mind > delusions > hearing, illusions of 5/153 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-d. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Face > lips > phenomena 3/153 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Head > eruption 5/153 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-act. Merc-i-f.
Dreams > vivid 4/153 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-sulf. Merc.
Generalities > bones > pain 4/154 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Cough > tickling > larynx, in, from 3/154 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Coryza > phenomena > coryza, catarrh 3/154 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Perspiration > profuse 4/154 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc-sulf. Merc.
Stool > odor > offensive 4/154 Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Abdomen > pain > sore > bruised, tenderness, etc. 4/155 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Sensations > pressing 3/155 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Face > lips 3/155 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Mouth > pain > burning > tongue 3/155 Merc-c. Merc-sulf. Merc.
Nose > dryness > inside 3/155 Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Sensorium > phenomena 3/155 Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Eye > swollen 4/156 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Extremities > pain > hand 4/156 Cinnb. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Face > locations of sensations 3/156 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Throat external and Neck > nape > phenomena 4/156 Cinnb. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Air-passages > voice 3/156 Cinnb. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Nose > nasal discharges 4/156 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Urine > color > dark 4/156 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Extremities > itching > lower limbs 3/157 Cinnb. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Genitalia male > seminal emissions (nightly) 3/157 Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Head > pain > burning 4/157 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Mouth > pain > sore 5/157 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc-sulf. Merc.
Urine > cloudy 3/157 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Generalities > pregnancy, agg. 3/158 Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Generalities > pulse > frequent > accelerated, elevated, exalted, fast, innumerable, rapid 3/158 Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc.
Chest > pain > heart 4/158 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Sensations > bruised pain (in general) > externally 3/158 Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Skin > coldness 3/158 Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc.
Nose > itching 3/158 Cinnb. Merc-sulf. Merc.
Back > pain > pressing 3/158 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Extremities > pain > stitching > knee 4/159 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Extremities > pain > upper arm 4/159 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Genitalia > female organs 4/159 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Head > hair 3/159 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Stool > bloody 5/159 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Eye > conjunctiva 7/160 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-d. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f. Merc-n.
Throat internal > esophagus 3/160 Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Nose > dryness 5/160 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Nose > wings 4/160 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Sleep > sleepiness > evening 3/160 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Aggravations > forenoon 4/160 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Abdomen > morning 4/161 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Chest > sternum 3/161 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Sensations > startings 4/161 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-n.
Extremities > heaviness > lower limbs 3/161 Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Throat external and Neck > phenomena 3/161 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Heart and Circulation > pain > heart 4/161 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Larynx and Trachea > tickling > larynx > in 3/161 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Stomach > night 4/161 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-sulf. Merc.
Stomach > pain > sore 4/161 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-sulf. Merc.
Sleep > evening 3/161 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Sleep > sleeplessness > night > midnight 3/161 Merc-sulf. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Stool > yellow 4/161 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc-sulf. Merc.
Larynx and Trachea > tickling > larynx 3/162 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Mouth > odor (breath) 3/162 Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Sleep > waking > frequent 3/162 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Sensorium > Sensorium 3/162 Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Generalities > pain > burning > internally 3/163 Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Eye > itching 3/163 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Throat internal > tonsils 6/163 Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc-d. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Mouth > morning 5/163 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Fever > after fever 3/164 Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Sweat > location, partial sweat 3/164 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Eye > photophobia 5/165 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-sulf. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Abdomen > pain > umbilicus 3/165 Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Extremities > weakness > knee 3/165 Cinnb. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Mind > cheerful 4/165 Cinnb. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Larynx and Trachea > phenomena 3/165 Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc.
Throat internal > pain > swallowing 6/166 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Sleep > midnight 4/166 Merc-c. Merc-sulf. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Generalities > motion agg. 3/167 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Abdomen > fullness 4/167 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Genitalia female > phenomena, female organs 3/167 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Head > pain > evening agg. 3/167 Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Nose > coryza > discharge > with (fluent) 5/167 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc-sulf. Merc.
Generalities > motion > agg. 3/168 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Abdomen > pain > bruised, tenderness 4/168 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Mind > waking, on, agg. 3/168 Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Head > pain > motion 3/168 Cinnb. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Generalities > constriction 3/169 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Generalities > swelling 6/169 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-d. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Eructation > Eructations 3/169 Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Abdomen > pain > burning 4/169 Merc-c. Merc-sulf. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Abdomen > pain > hypochondria 4/169 Cinnb. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Flatulence > flatus > incarceration of flatus 3/169 Merc-c. Merc-d. Merc.
Chest > axilla 3/169 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Fever > heat 4/169 Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Clinical > colic 3/169 Merc-c. Merc-d. Merc.
Air-passages > Air-passages 3/169 Cinnb. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Stomach > pain > cramping > griping, constricting 3/169 Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Nose > phenomena > discharges 5/169 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Stool > watery > Stool, watery 4/169 Merc-d. Merc-i-r. Merc-sulf. Merc.
Generalities > pain > stitching > internally 4/170 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-n.
Generalities > pulse > frequent 4/170 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc.
Sensations > side (symptoms on one side) 4/170 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Skin and Exterior body > phenomena > eruptions 3/170 Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Menstruation > concomitants during menses 3/170 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Ear > left 3/170 Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Ear > right 5/170 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Back > scapular region > phenomena 4/170 Cinnb. Merc-cy. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Coryza > phenomena 3/170 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Perspiration > night 4/170 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc-sulf. Merc.
Mind > aggravation 3/171 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Genitalia male > Male organs 4/171 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Face > discoloration > bluish 4/171 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc.
Head > pain > evening 3/171 Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Mouth > soft palate 7/171 Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc-d. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f. Merc-n.
Sleep > dreams > frightful 5/171 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc-sulf. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Urine > albuminous 5/171 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Extremities > contraction 3/172 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Extremities > eruption > upper limbs 3/172 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Throat internal > inflammation 7/172 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc-d. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Head > pain > shooting 3/172 Cinnb. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Eye > eyelids > phenomena 3/173 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Sensations > bruised pain (in general) 3/173 Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Sensations > washing, dread of 3/173 Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc.
Extremities > itching > upper limbs 4/173 Cinnb. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Throat external and Neck > nape 5/173 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Rectum and Anus > urging > desire 4/173 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Eye > eyelids 3/174 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Throat internal > swallowing > difficult 5/174 Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Head > congestion > hyperaemia, etc. 4/174 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Head > congestion > hyperemia, etc. 4/174 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Ear > hearing 5/174 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-d. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Ear > noises > roaring 3/174 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Back > scapular region 4/174 Cinnb. Merc-cy. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Stool > hard 4/174 Merc-c. Merc-sulf. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Eye > pain > pressing > pressure, etc. 5/175 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Extremities > soles 3/175 Merc-sulf. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Stool > odor 4/175 Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Generalities > Sykose 5/176 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-d. Merc-sulf. Merc.
Abdomen > pain > stool 4/176 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Chest > pain > burning 3/176 Cinnb. Merc-sulf. Merc.
Fever pathological types > Fever pathological types 3/176 Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc.
Clinical > hyperemia 4/176 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Genitalia male > seminal emissions 3/177 Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Throat internal > choking 3/177 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Hypochondria > phenomena 4/177 Merc-c. Merc-d. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Head > night 5/177 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Mouth > swelling 6/177 Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc-i-r. Merc-sulf. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Dreams > frightful 5/177 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc-sulf. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Eye > pain > stitching 3/178 Cinnb. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Coryza > Nose-coryza 3/178 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Bladder > night 3/179 Cinnb. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Generalities > walking 3/180 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Eye > pupils 3/180 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Flatulence > flatus 3/180 Merc-c. Merc-d. Merc.
Cough > evening 4/180 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Vertigo > aggravation 3/180 Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Generalities > pain > pressing > internally 3/181 Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Bladder > urging > frequent 3/182 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Mind > starting 3/182 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Clinical > dropsy 4/182 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-sulf. Merc.
Vertigo > phenomena 3/182 Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Sensations > polypus 3/183 Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Stomach > evening 5/183 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Stomach > retching 3/183 Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Mouth > discoloration > tongue > white 6/183 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc-sulf. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Mouth > phenomena, mouth (buccal cavity) > phenomena 6/183 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Sleep > night 4/183 Cinnb. Merc-sulf. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Sleep > sleeplessness > night 4/183 Cinnb. Merc-sulf. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Mind > restlessness > night 5/184 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Face > expression 3/184 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Heart and Circulation > pulse > rapid, tachycardia 4/184 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc.
Larynx and Trachea > irritation 4/184 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc-sulf. Merc.
Larynx and Trachea > trachea in general 3/184 Merc-c. Merc-sulf. Merc.
Back > dorsal region > phenomena 3/185 Cinnb. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Bladder > urging to urinate (morbid desire) > frequent 3/186 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Head > fullness 3/186 Cinnb. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Stomach > pain > cramping 3/186 Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Chest > constriction > tension, tightness 4/187 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Mind > concentration, difficult 3/187 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Genitalia male > scrotum 4/187 Cinnb. Merc-cy. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Hearing > impaired 4/187 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Chill > chilliness 3/187 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Head > pain > morning > agg. 3/188 Merc-sulf. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Head > pain > morning agg. 3/188 Merc-sulf. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Rectum and Anus > itching 3/188 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Sleep > dreams > anxious 4/188 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Generalities > pain > sore, bruised 3/189 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Stomach > emptiness > weak feeling, faintness, goneness, hungry feeling 4/189 Cinnb. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Stomach > thirst > extreme 3/189 Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Back > coldness 4/189 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc-sulf. Merc.
Chest > pain > pressing 3/190 Merc-sulf. Merc. Merc-act.
Genitalia male > testes 6/190 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc-sulf. Merc. Merc-act.
Throat internal > swallowing 5/190 Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Stool > watery 5/190 Merc-c. Merc-d. Merc-i-r. Merc-sulf. Merc.
Teeth > phenomena 4/190 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Nausea and vomiting > phenomena 3/190 Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Respiration > phenomena 3/191 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Head > pain > sore, bruised 3/191 Cinnb. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Head internal > Internal head 5/191 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Cough > irritation in air passages, from 3/192 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Nose > coryza > discharge 5/192 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc-sulf. Merc.
Perspiration > in general 4/192 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc.
Generalities > pain > burning 3/193 Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Generalities > side 4/193 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Head > pain > drawing 3/193 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Head external > phenomena 3/193 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Mouth > phenomena, mouth (buccal cavity) 6/193 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Chest > heart and region of > phenomena 4/194 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Hypochondria > Hypochondria 4/194 Merc-c. Merc-d. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Larynx and Trachea > tickling 3/194 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Clinical > swelling 6/194 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-d. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Extremities > pain > fingers 5/195 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Taste > Taste 3/195 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Generalities > pain > stitching 5/196 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-n.
Eye > pain > pressing 5/196 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Abdomen > colic 3/196 Merc-c. Merc-d. Merc.
Ameliorations > Ameliorations 4/196 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Bladder > urination > involuntary 3/196 Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Mind > evening 4/196 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Larynx and Trachea > pain 3/196 Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc.
Head > pain > morning 4/196 Merc-i-r. Merc-sulf. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Head > pain > tearing 4/196 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Eye > pain > burning > smarting, biting 4/197 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Genitalia > Sexual organs 4/197 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Head > pain > tea 4/197 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Nose > obstruction 3/197 Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc.
Ear > pain > stitching, in 4/197 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Ear > phenomena 3/197 Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Back > pain > sacral region 3/197 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Generalities > air > open 4/198 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Eye > redness 4/198 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Extremities > palms 5/198 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Extremities > perspiration 3/198 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Throat internal > pain > burning 4/198 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Cough > expectoration 4/198 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Mouth > palate 6/198 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc-sulf. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Genitalia female > leucorrhoea 5/199 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Head > brain 3/199 Cinnb. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Ear > noises > ringing 3/199 Cinnb. Merc-cy. Merc.
Generalities > faintness > fainting 4/200 Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc-d. Merc.
Flatulence > Flatulence 4/200 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-d. Merc.
Chest > pain > stitching > sides 3/200 Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Extremities > pain > thigh 3/200 Cinnb. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Mind > morning 4/200 Cinnb. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Head external > Head-external 4/200 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Mouth > taste > bitter 4/200 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Chest > heart and region of 4/201 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Extremities > coldness > hands 5/202 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc-sulf. Merc.
Extremities > pain > joints 3/202 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Genitalia female > Female organs 3/202 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Generalities > bones 4/203 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Generalities > lying 4/203 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Appetite > phenomena 6/203 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Chest > pain > sore 3/203 Cinnb. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Extremities > twitching 4/203 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc. Merc-n.
Mind > delirium 4/203 Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc-sulf. Merc.
Urinary Organs > Urinary organs 3/203 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Dreams > anxious 4/203 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Generalities > pain > pressing 4/204 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Mind > unconsciousness 3/204 Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc.
Rectum and Anus > pain > burning 5/204 Merc-c. Merc-sulf. Merc. Merc-i-f. Merc-pr-r.
Abdomen internal > Internal abdomen 5/205 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-d. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Extremities > pain > hip 4/205 Cinnb. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Fever and Heat in general > partial heat 4/205 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Genitalia female > uterus 4/205 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Throat internal > mucus 5/206 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Urethra > pain > burning 3/206 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Clinical > rheumatism 3/206 Cinnb. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Generalities > convulsions 3/207 Merc-c. Merc. Merc-n.
Stomach > appetite > increased (hunger in general) 4/207 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Stomach > pain > burning 3/207 Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Mouth > gums 6/207 Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f. Merc-pr-r.
Kidneys > pain 3/207 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Extremities > night 6/208 Cinnb. Merc-d. Merc-sulf. Merc. Merc-i-f. Merc-n.
Head internal > location 5/208 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Stomach > morning 4/208 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Back > dorsal region 3/208 Cinnb. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Generalities > cold 4/209 Cinnb. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Chest > inner chest > phenomena 3/209 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Cough > tickling 3/209 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Rectum and Anus > pain > tenesmus 4/209 Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Stool > soft 5/209 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-sulf. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Eye > lachrymation 3/210 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Mouth > pain > burning 5/210 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc-sulf. Merc.
Generalities > heat 3/211 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Mind > memory, weakness of 3/211 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Face > jaw 5/211 Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Head > afternoon 3/211 Cinnb. Merc-i-r. Merc-i-f.
Sweat > Sweat 3/211 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Throat external and Neck > Neck and External Throat 5/212 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Generalities > food 3/213 Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Generalities > motion 4/213 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Throat internal > dryness 5/213 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-sulf. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Circulation > pulse 3/213 Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc.
Stomach and Epigastrium > phenomena 3/213 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Generalities > air 4/214 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Abdomen > liver 5/214 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Extremities > morning 5/214 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Extremities > pain > shoulder 5/214 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-sulf. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Stomach > emptiness 4/214 Cinnb. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Back > pain > dorsal region > scapulae 3/214 Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Generalities > pulse 4/215 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc.
Chest > inner chest 3/215 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Extremities > discoloration 5/215 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-sulf. Merc. Merc-n.
Extremities > upper arms 4/215 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Fever and Heat in general > Heat and Fever in general 4/215 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Abdomen > umbilicus 4/216 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Stomach > eructations > empty 3/216 Cinnb. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Throat external > External throat 5/217 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Head > congestion 4/217 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Back > pain > cervical region 3/217 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Abdomen > phenomena 3/218 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Head > pain > vertex 5/218 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Mouth > tongue > phenomena 6/218 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-act. Merc-i-f.
Back > pain > sore 4/219 Cinnb. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Back > pain > aching > lumbar region 3/220 Cinnb. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Genitalia male > erections 4/221 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc.
Skin > ulcers 6/221 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-act. Merc-i-f.
Clinical > hemorrhage 4/222 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc.
Head > constriction 5/222 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Stool > phenomena 5/222 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-d. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Stomach > aversion 4/223 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Mouth > throat (and gullet) > phenomena 6/223 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Extremities > coldness > foot 3/224 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Extremities > pain > foot 5/224 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Head internal > aggravation, head internal 4/224 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Mouth > throat (and gullet) 7/224 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc-d. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Generalities > night 4/225 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Chest > breast (mammae) 3/225 Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Extremities > paralysis 4/225 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Mind > dullness 3/225 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Back > pain > aching, dull pain > lumbar region 3/225 Cinnb. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Eye > phenomena 4/226 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Abdomen > inguinal region 4/226 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Bladder > urination > frequent 3/226 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Mind > confusion of mind 3/226 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Stomach > desires 5/226 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Urine > scanty 3/226 Merc-c. Merc-d. Merc.
Extremities > pain > leg 6/227 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Abdomen > pain > cutting 5/228 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f. Merc-pr-r.
Skin > discoloration 4/228 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Stomach > appetite > wanting 4/228 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Back > pain > dorsal region 4/228 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Back > spine 4/228 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Generalities > evening 5/229 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-n.
Chest > constriction 4/229 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Extremities > pain > upper limbs 5/229 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Mind > excitement 4/229 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Head > pulsating 4/229 Cinnb. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Back > pain > stitching 3/229 Cinnb. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Back > sacrum 3/229 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Genitalia male > penis 6/230 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc-sulf. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Nose > catarrh 6/230 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-d. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Appetite > increased (hunger in general) 4/231 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Abdomen > distension 5/231 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-d. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Nose > sneezing 3/231 Merc-sulf. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Extremities > evening 6/232 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Extremities > stiffness 5/232 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc-sulf. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Mind > speech 3/232 Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Head > pain > forehead > eyes > above 5/232 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Head > pain > stitching 4/232 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Abdomen > pain > aching, dull pain 4/233 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Abdomen > pain > sore 5/234 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Throat internal > pain > sore 8/235 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc-d. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-act. Merc-i-f.
Stomach and Epigastrium > Stomach and Epigastrium 3/235 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Nausea and vomiting > Nausea and vomiting 4/235 Merc-c. Merc-d. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Menstruation > Menstruation 4/237 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Extremities > pain > knee 4/238 Cinnb. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Heart and Circulation > pain 5/238 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Nose > phenomena 6/238 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Sleep > waking 4/238 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Appetite > aversion 5/240 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Head > pain > forehead > eyes 5/240 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Ear > Ears 6/240 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-d. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Abdomen > pain > stitching 4/241 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Bladder > urging 3/241 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Skin > itching 3/241 Cinnb. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Nose > epistaxis 4/241 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc.
Skin and Exterior body > phenomena 5/242 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Skin and Exterior body > Skin and Exterior body 5/242 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Heart and Circulation > pulse 4/242 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc.
Eye > pain > burning 5/243 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Extremities > hands 5/243 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc-sulf. Merc.
Throat external and Neck > Neck 5/243 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Mouth > salivation 7/243 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc-d. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Extremities > pain > aching 5/244 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Extremities > pain > lower limbs 5/244 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Extremities upper > phenomena 5/244 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Larynx and Trachea > voice > hoarseness 6/244 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc-sulf. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Extremities > ankle 5/245 Cinnb. Merc-i-r. Merc-sulf. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Genitalia female > pain 3/245 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Clinical > convulsions 4/245 Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc. Merc-n.
Sleep > restless 3/245 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Face > discoloration > pale 5/246 Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc-d. Merc-sulf. Merc.
Face > swelling 6/246 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Abdomen > hypochondria 5/247 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Abdomen > hypochondrium 5/247 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Chest > palpitation heart 3/247 Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Head > pain > pressing > forehead 4/247 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Rectum and Anus > urging 5/247 Merc-c. Merc-d. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Bladder > urging to urinate (morbid desire) 3/248 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Extremities > pain > tearing 5/248 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Urethra > pain 4/248 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc. Merc-act.
Appetite > wanting 4/249 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Abdomen > rumbling 5/249 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Head > evening 4/249 Cinnb. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Generalities > faintness 5/250 Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc-d. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Generalities > morning 4/251 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Appetite > desires 5/251 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Extremities > itching 4/251 Cinnb. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Head > heat 5/251 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Genitalia male > pain 6/252 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-act. Merc-i-f.
Clinical > ulcers 9/252 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc-d. Merc-i-r. Merc-sulf. Merc. Merc-i-f. Merc-pr-r.
Extremities > elbow 3/253 Cinnb. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Genitalia female > leucorrhea 5/254 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Circulation > Circulation 4/254 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc.
Urine > copious (increased) 5/254 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Extremities > heaviness 4/255 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Extremities lower > phenomena 5/255 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Mind > night 7/255 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc-i-r. Merc-sulf. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Face > heat 3/255 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Face > lip 6/255 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc-sulf. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Eye > inflammation 8/256 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc-d. Merc-i-r. Merc. Aethi-a. Merc-i-f.
Extremities > wrist 4/256 Cinnb. Merc-sulf. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Mind > restlessness > nervousness 5/256 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-d. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Mind > sadness > mental depression 4/256 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Head > morning 5/256 Cinnb. Merc-i-r. Merc-sulf. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Head > pain > forehead > in 5/257 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Extremities upper > Upper extremities 5/258 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Head > pain > headache in general 4/258 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Nose > discharge 5/258 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Mind > phenomena 4/259 Merc-c. Merc-d. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Extremities > pain > drawing 4/260 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Hearing > Hearing 5/260 Merc-c. Merc-d. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Mouth > discoloration > tongue 7/260 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc-i-r. Merc-sulf. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Mouth > dryness 6/260 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc-sulf. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Head > pain > sides 5/262 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Extremities > swelling 5/264 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc-sulf. Merc.
Nose > pain 6/264 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc-sulf. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Extremities > toes 5/265 Cinnb. Merc-i-r. Merc-sulf. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Extremities > cramps 8/266 Merc-c. Merc-d. Merc-i-r. Merc-sulf. Merc. Merc-i-f. Merc-n. Merc-pr-r.
Eye > lid 5/267 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Aggravations > Aggravations 6/267 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-d. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Head > vertex 5/269 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Rectum and Anus > diarrhoea 5/269 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-sulf. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Back > scapula 3/269 Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Urine > color 4/269 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Chest > oppression 4/270 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Extremities > eruption 4/270 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Mind > anxiety 3/271 Merc-c. Merc-d. Merc.
Head > heaviness 5/271 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Head internal > phenomena 5/271 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Abdomen > pain > cramping, griping 4/272 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Extremities > forearm 5/272 Cinnb. Merc-i-r. Merc-sulf. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Extremities lower > Lower extremities 5/272 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Extremities > numbness 5/273 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-sulf. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Heart and Circulation > palpitation 3/274 Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Face > discoloration > red 3/276 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Head > pain > occiput 4/277 Cinnb. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Mouth > discoloration 7/277 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc-i-r. Merc-sulf. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Mind > fear 3/278 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Chest > pain > stitching 5/279 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Mouth > pain 5/280 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc-sulf. Merc.
Larynx and Trachea > larynx in general 5/281 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Larynx and Trachea > voice 6/282 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc-sulf. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Back > pain > aching 3/283 Cinnb. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Eye > Eyes 7/284 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-d. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f. Merc-n.
Extremities > hip 5/284 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Mind > confusion 5/285 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Generalities > stiffness 5/286 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc-sulf. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Extremities > pain > sore, bruised 6/286 Cinnb. Merc-cy. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f. Merc-n.
Mind > delusions 6/287 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-d. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Kidneys > Kidneys 4/287 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc.
Extremities > shoulder 5/290 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-sulf. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Cough > dry 4/291 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Face > eruptions 6/292 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f. Merc-pr-a.
Head > pain > temples 4/292 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Face > pain (aching, prosopalgia, etc.) 6/293 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc-sulf. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Mind > irritability 5/295 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc-sulf. Merc.
Nose > coryza 7/295 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc-i-r. Merc-sulf. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Teeth > pain 4/295 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Extremities > coldness 6/297 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc-i-r. Merc-sulf. Merc.
Head internal > Head-internal 5/297 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Stomach > appetite 4/297 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Clinical > paralysis 4/298 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Mouth > saliva 7/299 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc-d. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Back > cervix 5/299 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Mind > sadness 4/300 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Stomach > thirst 5/300 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Head > occiput 5/302 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Ear > noises 5/302 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Chill > Chill 6/303 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc-sulf. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Back > dorsal region, back 4/304 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Back > dorsal region, back > left, right 4/304 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Back > pain > aching, dull pain 3/305 Cinnb. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Aggravation and Amelioration in general > phenomena 6/305 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Head > pain > pressing 5/306 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Urethra > Urethra 6/307 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-act. Merc-i-f.
Generalities > weakness > enervation 6/309 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Sensations > Sensations 8/309 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc-d. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f. Merc-n.
Perspiration > Perspiration 6/310 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc-i-r. Merc-sulf. Merc.
Extremities > pain > stitching 5/313 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-sulf. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Face > pain 6/313 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc-sulf. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Extremities > thigh 5/314 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Heart and Circulation > heart 5/314 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Respiration > difficult 5/316 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-sulf. Merc. Merc-act.
Head > temples 4/316 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Rectum and Anus > pain 7/317 Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc-i-r. Merc-sulf. Merc. Merc-i-f. Merc-pr-r.
Ear > pain 6/317 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc-sulf. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Extremities > weakness 6/318 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc-sulf. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Sleep > dreams 6/319 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc-sulf. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Expectoration > Expectoration 5/321 Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc-sulf. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Sensations and Complaints in general > phenomena 6/322 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-d. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Mouth > taste 6/323 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc-sulf. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Sleep > sleeplessness 7/323 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc-i-r. Merc-sulf. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Genitalia female > menses 3/328 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc.
Stomach > eructations 5/328 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Extremities > knee 6/330 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc-sulf. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Generalities > afternoon 6/331 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc-sulf. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Bladder > urination 6/332 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-sulf. Merc. Merc-act. Merc-i-f.
Extremities > feet 6/334 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc-sulf. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Mind > restlessness 6/334 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc-d. Merc-i-r. Merc.
Stomach > vomiting 6/336 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc-d. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Extremities > fingers 6/338 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc-sulf. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Stomach > pain 5/338 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-sulf. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Back > lumbar region 4/339 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Sleep > sleepiness 7/341 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc-i-r. Merc-sulf. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Face > discoloration 7/344 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc-d. Merc-i-r. Merc-sulf. Merc.
Clinical > inflammation 8/344 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc-d. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f. Merc-n.
Bladder > bladder in general 8/345 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc-d. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-act. Merc-i-f.
Teeth > Teeth 6/345 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-d. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Throat internal > pain 8/348 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc-d. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-act. Merc-i-f.
Dreams > Dreams 6/348 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc-sulf. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Extremities > lower limbs 7/351 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f. Merc-n. Merc-pr-r.
Appetite > Appetite 6/357 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Rectum and Anus > constipation 4/358 Merc-c. Merc-d. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Head > pain > forehead 5/359 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Stomach > nausea 5/361 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Mouth > tongue 8/362 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc-i-r. Merc-sulf. Merc. Merc-act. Merc-i-f.
Eye > pain 6/363 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc-sulf. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Generalities > pain 6/364 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f. Merc-n.
Extremities > upper limbs 6/374 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc-sulf. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Head > forehead 5/377 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Vision > Vision 5/377 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc. Merc-i-f. Merc-n.
Larynx and Trachea > Larynx and trachea 7/379 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc-i-r. Merc-sulf. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Chest > pain 7/395 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc-sulf. Merc. Merc-act. Merc-i-f.
Stool > Stool 8/395 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc-d. Merc-i-r. Merc-sulf. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Skin > eruptions 6/398 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f. Merc-pr-r.
Abdomen > pain 7/402 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc-sulf. Merc. Merc-i-f. Merc-pr-r.
Bladder > Bladder 9/406 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc-d. Merc-i-r. Merc-sulf. Merc. Merc-act. Merc-i-f.
Fever > Fever 7/407 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f. Merc-n.
Ear > Ear 9/408 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc-d. Merc-i-r. Merc-sulf. Merc. Aethi-a. Merc-i-f.
Genitalia male > Genitalia male 10/409 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc-d. Merc-i-r. Merc-sulf. Merc. Merc-act. Merc-i-f. Merc-pr-r.
Heart and Circulation > Heart & Circulation 6/411 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Vertigo > Vertigo 7/411 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc-i-r. Merc-sulf. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Generalities > weakness 7/412 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc-d. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Rectum and Anus > diarrhea 6/419 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-d. Merc-sulf. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Urine > Urine 7/419 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc-d. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Respiration > Respiration 7/424 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc-sulf. Merc. Merc-act. Merc-i-f.
Sleep > Sleep 7/430 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc-i-r. Merc-sulf. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Throat internal > Throat 12/439 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc-d. Merc-i-r. Merc-sulf. Merc. Merc-act. Merc-i-f. Merc-n. Merc-pr-r. Merc-s-cy.
Cough > Cough 7/441 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc-i-r. Merc-sulf. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Genitalia female > Genitalia female 6/445 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Back > pain 5/449 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Extremities > pain 8/462 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc-i-r. Merc-sulf. Merc. Merc-i-f. Merc-n.
Nose > Nose 9/486 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc-d. Merc-i-r. Merc-sulf. Merc. Merc-i-f. Merc-s-cy.
Face > Face 9/487 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc-d. Merc-i-r. Merc-sulf. Merc. Merc-i-f. Merc-pr-a.
Eye > Eye 11/497 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc-d. Merc-i-r. Merc-sulf. Merc. Aethi-a. Merc-act. Merc-i-f. Merc-n.
Back > Back 7/505 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc-i-r. Merc-sulf. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Skin > Skin 11/516 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc-d. Merc-i-r. Merc. Aethi-a. Merc-act. Merc-i-f. Merc-n. Merc-pr-r.
Mouth > Mouth 11/520 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc-d. Merc-i-r. Merc-sulf. Merc. Merc-act. Merc-i-f. Merc-n. Merc-pr-r.
Stomach > Stomach 8/526 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc-d. Merc-i-r. Merc-sulf. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Abdomen > Abdomen 8/540 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-d. Merc-i-r. Merc-sulf. Merc. Merc-i-f. Merc-pr-r.
Chest > Chest 8/542 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc-sulf. Merc. Merc-act. Merc-i-f. Merc-n.
Head > pain 6/544 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-i-r. Merc-sulf. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Rectum and Anus > Rectum 9/574 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc-d. Merc-i-r. Merc-sulf. Merc. Merc-i-f. Merc-pr-r.
Extremities > Extremities 10/576 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc-d. Merc-i-r. Merc-sulf. Merc. Merc-i-f. Merc-n. Merc-pr-r.
Mind > Mind 8/579 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc-d. Merc-i-r. Merc-sulf. Merc. Merc-i-f.
Head > Head 8/587 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-d. Merc-i-r. Merc-sulf. Merc. Merc-act. Merc-i-f.
Generalities > Generalities 9/608 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc-d. Merc-i-r. Merc-sulf. Merc. Merc-i-f. Merc-n.
Clinical > Clinical 12/786 Cinnb. Merc-c. Merc-cy. Merc-d. Merc-i-r. Merc-sulf. Merc. Aethi-a. Merc-i-f. Merc-n. Merc-pr-a. Merc-pr-r.