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Nux vomica (Nux-v.)

Id. Remedy Abbreviation Groups Common Name Links
232 Nux vomica Nux-v. Loganiaceae system-sat.de Die homöopathischen Fäden der Ariadne
provings.info systematics and provings

related: Bry. Hydr. Kali-c. Lyc. Ign. Lyc. Stry.
incompatible: Caust. Ign. Nux-m. Tab. Zinc.
antidote: Acon. Ambr. Ars. Bell. Camph. Cham. Cocc. Coff. Dig. Ign. Op. Plat.
comment: = Strychnos nux vomica, getrocknete Samen der Brechnuß (verschreibungspfl. < D4)
Repertory Nux vomica (Nux-v.) all  ≥2  ≥3 
25659 entries where grade ≥1
Mind > jesting > averse to – 1-gr.  resources: openrep_pub 1
Mind > kill – 2-gr.  resources: kent.en 2 | openrep_pub 2
Mind > kill > desire to – 2-gr.  resources: kent.en 2 | openrep_pub 2
Mind > kill > something urges her to, her husband, of whom she is very fond – 2-gr.  resources: kent.en 2 | openrep_pub 2
Mind > kill > sudden impulse to – 2-gr.  resources: kent.en 2 | openrep_pub 2
Mind > kill > sudden impulse to > for a slight offense – 2-gr.  resources: kent.en 2 | openrep_pub 2
Mind > kill > sudden impulse to > throw child into fire – 2-gr.  resources: kent.en 2 | openrep_pub 2
Mind > Klatschsucht – 2-gr.  resources: BZH 2
Mind > kleptomania – 2-gr.  resources: kent.en 2 | openrep_pub 2
Mind > Kleptomanie – 2-gr.  resources: BZH 2
Mind > Konzentration > fällt schwer – 3-gr.  resources: BZH 3
Mind > Kummer, Beschwerden durch – 2-gr.  resources: BZH 2
Mind > lamenting – 2-gr.  resources: kent.en 2 | openrep_pub 2
Mind > lamenting > bemoaning, wailing etc. – 2-gr.  resources: kent.en 2 | openrep_pub 2 (Ref: boenn_bogner, kent.en)
Mind > Langsamkeit – 1-gr.  resources: murphy 1
Mind > lasciviousness, lustful – 3-gr.  resources: openrep_pub 3 (Ref: boenn_bogner, kent.en)
Mind > laughing – 2-gr.  resources: kent.en 2 | openrep_pub 2 (Ref: a2, boenn_bogner, kent.en)
Mind > laughing > immoderately – 2-gr.  resources: kent.en 2 | openrep_pub 2
Mind > laughing > pain, every paroxysm of, excites a nervous laugh – 1-gr.  resources: openrep_pub 1 (Ref: boenn_bogner)
Mind > Lebensüberdruß – 2-gr.  resources: BZH 2
Mind > lewdness – 2-gr.  resources: kent.en 2 | openrep_pub 2
Mind > lewdness > lewd talk – 2-gr.  resources: kent.en 2 | openrep_pub 2
Mind > libertinism – 2-gr.  resources: kent.en 2 | openrep_pub 2
Mind > Liebe > Beschwerden durch unglückliche – 1-gr.  resources: BZH 1
Mind > loathing – 2-gr.  resources: kent.en 2 | openrep_pub 2 (Ref: a2, kent.en)
Mind > loathing > life – 2-gr.  resources: kent.en 2 | openrep_pub 2
Mind > loathing > work – 1-gr.  resources: openrep_pub 1 (Ref: boenn_bogner)
Mind > longing – 1-gr.  resources: kent.en 1 | openrep_pub 1
Mind > longing > repose for tranquility – 1-gr.  resources: kent.en 1 | openrep_pub 1
Mind > looked at, cannot bear to be – 1-gr.  resources: kent.en 1 | openrep_pub 1
Mind > loquacity – 1-gr.  resources: kent.en 1
Mind > loquacity > evening – 1-gr.  resources: kent.en 1
Mind > love – 1-gr.  resources: kent.en 1 | openrep_pub 1 (Ref: c1, kent.en)
Mind > love > ailments, from disappointed – 1-gr.  resources: kent.en 1 | openrep_pub 1
Mind > love > perversity – 1-gr.  resources: openrep_pub 1 (Ref: c1)
Mind > lying, down, after, agg. – 1-gr.  resources: openrep_pub 1 (Ref: boenn_bogner)
Mind > malicious – 3-gr.  resources: kent.en 3 | openrep_pub 3 (Ref: boenn_bogner, kent.en)
Mind > mania – 3-gr.  resources: kent.en 3 | openrep_pub 3 (Ref: boenn_bogner, kent.en)
Mind > mania > madness – 3-gr.  resources: kent.en 3 | openrep_pub 3 (Ref: boenn_bogner, kent.en)
Mind > mania-a-potu – 3-gr.  resources: kent.en 3
Mind > memory active – 2-gr.  resources: kent.en 2
Mind > memory, active – 2-gr.  resources: openrep_pub 2
Mind > memory, weakness of – 3-gr.  resources: kent.en 2 | openrep_pub 3 (Ref: a2, boenn_bogner, kent.en)
Mind > memory, weakness of > alcoholics, in – 3-gr.  resources: openrep_pub 3 (Ref: boenn_bogner)
Mind > memory, weakness of > animal fluids, loss of, from – 3-gr.  resources: openrep_pub 3 (Ref: boenn_bogner)
Mind > memory, weakness of > exertion, for mental (compare stupefaction) – 3-gr.  resources: openrep_pub 3 (Ref: boenn_bogner, kent.en)
Mind > memory, weakness of > exertion, for mental (compare stupefaction) > fatigue, from – 3-gr.  resources: openrep_pub 3 (Ref: boenn_bogner, kent.en)
Mind > memory, weakness of > expressing one's self, for – 2-gr.  resources: kent.en 2 | openrep_pub 2
Mind > memory, weakness of > labor, for mental (compare stupefaction) – 1-gr.  resources: kent.en 1
Mind > memory, weakness of > labor, for mental (compare stupefaction) > fatigue, from – 1-gr.  resources: kent.en 1
Mind > memory, weakness of > persons, for – 1-gr.  resources: kent.en 1 | openrep_pub 1
Mind > memory, weakness of > sudden – 1-gr.  resources: openrep_pub 1 (Ref: boenn_bogner)
Mind > memory, weakness of > words, for – 2-gr.  resources: kent.en 2 | openrep_pub 2 (Ref: boenn_bogner, kent.en)
Mind > men – 2-gr.  resources: openrep_pub 2
Mind > menses, before – 2-gr.  resources: openrep_pub 2
Mind > menses, before > agg. – 2-gr.  resources: openrep_pub 2
Mind > menses, during, agg. – 2-gr.  resources: openrep_pub 2
Mind > menses, suppressed, after, agg. – 1-gr.  resources: openrep_pub 1
Mind > midnight – 3-gr.  resources: openrep_pub 3
Mind > mildness – 3-gr.  resources: openrep_pub 3 (Ref: boenn_bogner)
Mind > Mind – 5-gr.  resources: boenn_allen 4 | boenn_bogner 5 | kent.en 3 | openrep_pub 3 (Ref: a2, asc-1, boenn_bogner, c1, hr1, kent.en, mp-6, mrr1, mrr5, ptk2, rt-2, sst-6)
Mind > mischievous – 3-gr.  resources: kent.en 3 | openrep_pub 3
Mind > mischievousness – 3-gr.  resources: boenn_allen 3
Mind > mistakes – 2-gr.  resources: kent.en 2 | openrep_pub 2 (Ref: a2, boenn_bogner, kent.en)
Mind > mistakes > calculating, in – 2-gr.  resources: openrep_pub 2
Mind > mistakes > differentiating objects, in – 1-gr.  resources: openrep_pub 1 (Ref: boenn_bogner)
Mind > mistakes > in – 1-gr.  resources: openrep_pub 1