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Plantae - Tracheobionta - Magnoliophyta - Magnoliopsida - Asteridae - Asterales - Asteraceae - Echinacea - Echinacea angustifolia

Echinacea angustifolia (Echi.)

Id. Remedy Abbreviation Groups Common Name Links
135 Echinacea angustifolia Echi., Echi-a. Asteraceae
Asteraceae/ Compositae
blacksamson echinacea
system-sat.de Die homöopathischen Fäden der Ariadne
provings.info systematics and provings
Wikispecies free directory of species
Dr. Duke s Phytochemical and Ethnobotanical Databases
NCBI Taxonomy Browser
CalPhotos University of California, Berkeley

related: Ars. Bapt. Calend. Hep. Lach. Rhus-t.
comment: Schmalblättrige Kegelblume, blühende ganze Pflanze
Repertory Echinacea angustifolia (Echi.) all  ≥2  ≥3 
688 entries where grade ≥1
Heart and Circulation
Heart and Circulation > pulse – 2-gr.  resources: openrep_pub 2
Heart and Circulation > pulse > rapid, tachycardia – 2-gr.  resources: openrep_pub 2
Hypochondria > Hypochondria – 2-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 2
Hypochondria > phenomena – 2-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 2
Hypochondria > phenomena > pressure – 2-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 2
Hypochondria > phenomena > pressure > stone, load, etc., as of a – 2-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 2
Larynx and Trachea
Larynx and Trachea > irritation – 1-gr.  resources: kent.en 1 | openrep_pub 1
Larynx and Trachea > irritation > larynx – 1-gr.  resources: kent.en 1 | openrep_pub 1
Larynx and Trachea > Larynx and trachea – 2-gr.  resources: kent.en 2 | openrep_pub 2 (Ref: a2, kent.en)
Larynx and Trachea > larynx in general – 2-gr.  resources: openrep_pub 2
Larynx and Trachea > mucus – 1-gr.  resources: kent.en 1 | openrep_pub 1
Larynx and Trachea > mucus > larynx – 1-gr.  resources: kent.en 1 | openrep_pub 1
Larynx and Trachea > scraping, clearing larynx – 2-gr.  resources: kent.en 2 | openrep_pub 2
Larynx and Trachea > voice – 1-gr.  resources: kent.en 1 | openrep_pub 1
Larynx and Trachea > voice > husky – 1-gr.  resources: kent.en 1 | openrep_pub 1
Mind > afternoon – 1-gr.  resources: openrep_pub 1
Mind > aggravation – 3-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 3
Mind > aggravation > exertion – 3-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 3
Mind > aggravation > exertion > mental – 3-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 3
Mind > confusion – 2-gr.  resources: kent.en 1 | openrep_pub 2 (Ref: boenn_bogner, kent.en)
Mind > confusion of mind – 1-gr.  resources: kent.en 1
Mind > contradiction, is intolerant of – 1-gr.  resources: kent.en 1 | openrep_pub 1
Mind > Denken, Abneigung gegen – 2-gr.  resources: BZH 2
Mind > dullness – 1-gr.  resources: kent.en 1 | openrep_pub 1
Mind > dullness > sluggishness, difficulty of thinking and comprehending – 1-gr.  resources: kent.en 1 | openrep_pub 1
Mind > exertion – 2-gr.  resources: openrep_pub 2 (Ref: boenn_bogner)
Mind > exertion > from mental, agg. – 2-gr.  resources: openrep_pub 2 (Ref: boenn_bogner)
Mind > fear – 1-gr.  resources: kent.en 1 | openrep_pub 1
Mind > Langsamkeit – 1-gr.  resources: murphy 1
Mind > Mind – 3-gr.  resources: kent.en 2 | boenn_bogner 3 | openrep_pub 2 (Ref: a2, kent.en)
Mind > phenomena – 3-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 3
Mind > phenomena > confused, befuddled, muddled, etc. – 3-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 3
Mind > sadness – 1-gr.  resources: kent.en 1 | openrep_pub 1
Mind > sadness > afternoon agg. – 1-gr.  resources: kent.en 1 | openrep_pub 1
Mind > sadness > mental depression – 1-gr.  resources: kent.en 1 | openrep_pub 1
Mind > thinking – 2-gr.  resources: kent.en 2 | openrep_pub 2
Mind > thinking > aversion to – 2-gr.  resources: kent.en 2 | openrep_pub 2
Mind > work – 1-gr.  resources: kent.en 1 | openrep_pub 1
Mind > work > aversion to mental – 1-gr.  resources: kent.en 1 | openrep_pub 1
Mouth > discoloration – 1-gr.  resources: kent.en 1 | openrep_pub 1
Mouth > discoloration > tongue – 1-gr.  resources: kent.en 1 | openrep_pub 1
Mouth > discoloration > tongue > white – 1-gr.  resources: kent.en 1 | openrep_pub 1
Mouth > discoloration > tongue > white > morning – 1-gr.  resources: kent.en 1 | openrep_pub 1
Mouth > dryness – 1-gr.  resources: kent.en 1 | openrep_pub 1
Mouth > morning – 1-gr.  resources: openrep_pub 1
Mouth > Mouth – 2-gr.  resources: kent.en 2 | openrep_pub 2 (Ref: a2, kent.en)
Mouth > mucus – 1-gr.  resources: kent.en 1 | openrep_pub 1
Mouth > mucus > slime, etc. – 1-gr.  resources: kent.en 1 | openrep_pub 1
Mouth > pain – 2-gr.  resources: kent.en 2 | openrep_pub 2
Mouth > pain > burning – 2-gr.  resources: kent.en 2 | openrep_pub 2
Mouth > pain > burning > tongue – 2-gr.  resources: kent.en 2 | openrep_pub 2
Mouth > prickling – 1-gr.  resources: kent.en 1 | openrep_pub 1
Mouth > prickling > tongue – 1-gr.  resources: kent.en 1 | openrep_pub 1
Mouth > Schmerz > der Zunge > brennend, Roheitsgefühl – 2-gr.  resources: BZH 2
Mouth > taste – 1-gr.  resources: kent.en 1 | openrep_pub 1
Mouth > taste > bad – 1-gr.  resources: kent.en 1 | openrep_pub 1
Mouth > taste > bad > morning – 1-gr.  resources: kent.en 1 | openrep_pub 1
Mouth > taste > metallic – 1-gr.  resources: kent.en 1 | openrep_pub 1
Mouth > tongue – 2-gr.  resources: openrep_pub 2
Nose > air – 1-gr.  resources: kent.en 1 | openrep_pub 1