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Plantae - Tracheobionta - Magnoliophyta - Magnoliopsida - Dilleniidae - Theales - Clusiaceae - Hypericum - Hypericum perforatum

Hypericum perforatum (Hyper.)

Id. Remedy Abbreviation Groups Common Name Links
170 Hypericum perforatum Hyper. Clusiaceae
common St. Johnswort
common St Johnswort
Klamath weed
St. Johnswort
common St. John's wort
St. John's wort
system-sat.de Die homöopathischen Fäden der Ariadne
provings.info systematics and provings
Wikispecies free directory of species
Dr. Duke s Phytochemical and Ethnobotanical Databases
NCBI Taxonomy Browser
CalPhotos University of California, Berkeley

related: Arn. Calen. Led. Rhus-t. Staph.
antidote: Ars. Cham. Sulf.
comment: Johanniskraut, blühende Pflanze
Repertory Hypericum perforatum (Hyper.) all  ≥2  ≥3 
3005 entries where grade ≥1
Vision > hypermetropia > evening – 1-gr.  resources: kent.en 1
Vision > Vision – 1-gr.  resources: kent.en 1 | openrep_pub 1
Vision > weak – 1-gr.  resources: kent.en 1 | openrep_pub 1