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Daphne indica (Daph.)

Id. Remedy Abbreviation Groups Common Name Links
129 Daphne indica Daph. Thymelaeaceae system-sat.de Die homöopathischen Fäden der Ariadne
provings.info systematics and provings

related: Aur. Fl-ac. Mez. Staph.
antidote: Bry. Rhus-t.
comment: = Daphne cannabina
Repertory Daphne indica (Daph.) all  ≥2  ≥3 
1307 entries where grade ≥1
Vision > Vision – 4-gr.  resources: kent.en 2 | boenn_bogner 4 | openrep_pub 3 (Ref: a2, boenn_bogner, kent.en)
Vision > weak – 2-gr.  resources: openrep_pub 2 (Ref: boenn_bogner)
Waterbrash and Heartburn
Waterbrash and Heartburn > phenomena – 2-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 2
Waterbrash and Heartburn > phenomena > heartburn – 2-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 2
Waterbrash and Heartburn > Waterbrash and Heartburn – 2-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 2