ID |
Heilmittel |
Abkürzung |
Gruppen |
Mundart |
Links |
785 |
Bilirubinum 0 |
Bilir. |
Products of the Cell Metabolism and Hormons |
OpenHomeopath |
404 |
Adrenalinum 23 |
Adren. |
Products of the Cell Metabolism and Hormons |
OpenHomeopath |
701 |
Adenosinum triphosphoricum acidum 1 |
Atp. |
Products of the Cell Metabolism and Hormons |
OpenHomeopath |
533 |
Adenosinum monophosphoricum acidum 0 |
Amp. |
Products of the Cell Metabolism and Hormons |
OpenHomeopath |
98 |
Cholesterinum 35 |
Chol. |
Products of the Cell Metabolism and Hormons |
OpenHomeopath |
1248 |
Cortico tropinum 6 |
Cortico |
Products of the Cell Metabolism and Hormons |
OpenHomeopath |
1356 |
Desoxyribonucleicum acidum 7 |
Des-ac., Des-ac. |
Products of the Cell Metabolism and Hormons |
OpenHomeopath |
1779 |
Histaminum 15 |
Hist. |
Products of the Cell Metabolism and Hormons |
OpenHomeopath |
1856 |
Interferon alphaleucocytaire 0 |
Interf. |
Products of the Cell Metabolism and Hormons |
OpenHomeopath |
247 |
Lecithinum 594 |
Lec. |
Products of the Cell Metabolism and Hormons |
OpenHomeopath |
2596 |
Parathyreoidinum 0 |
Parathyr. |
Products of the Cell Metabolism and Hormons |
OpenHomeopath |
2951 |
Ribonucleicum acidum 0 |
Rib-ac. |
Products of the Cell Metabolism and Hormons |
OpenHomeopath |
3334 |
Thiaminum hydrochloridum 0 |
Thiam. |
Products of the Cell Metabolism and Hormons |
OpenHomeopath |
2626 |
Pepsinum 2 |
Peps., Pep. |
Products of the Cell Metabolism and Hormons |
OpenHomeopath |
1249 |
Cortisonum 9 |
Cortiso., Cortison. |
Products of the Cell Metabolism and Hormons |
OpenHomeopath |
1855 |
Insulinum 0 |
Ins., Insulin. |
Hominidae Products of the Cell Metabolism and Hormons |
OpenHomeopath |
2954 |
Riboflavinum 0 |
Ribo., Ribof. |
Products of the Cell Metabolism and Hormons |
OpenHomeopath |