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Plantae - Tracheobionta - Magnoliophyta - Magnoliopsida - Magnoliidae - Ranunculales - Ranunculaceae - Pulsatilla

Pulsatilla (Puls.)

Id. Remedy Abbreviation Groups Common Name Links
253 Pulsatilla Puls. Ranunculaceae
provings.info systematics and provings
Wikispecies free directory of species
Dr. Duke s Phytochemical and Ethnobotanical Databases
NCBI Taxonomy Browser
CalPhotos University of California, Berkeley

related: Apis. Cimic. Cycl. Graph. Ham. Kali-bi. Nat-s. Nux-m.
incompatible: Nux-m.
antidote: Ant-c. Ant-t. Asaf. Bell. Cham. Chin. Coff. Colch. Ign. Lyc. u. a.
comment: Wiesenküchenschelle, zur Zeit der Blüte gesammelte ganze Pflanze (vpfl. < D4)
Repertory Pulsatilla (Puls.) all  ≥2  ≥3 
26697 entries where grade ≥1
Stomach > eructations > sour – 2-gr.  resources: openrep_pub 2
Stomach > eructations > sour > coffee, after – 2-gr.  resources: kent.en 2 | openrep_pub 2
Stomach > eructations > sour > eating – 2-gr.  resources: kent.en 2 | openrep_pub 2
Stomach > eructations > sour > eating > 1 to 3 hours after – 2-gr.  resources: kent.en 2 | openrep_pub 2
Stomach > eructations > sour > morning – 2-gr.  resources: kent.en 2 | openrep_pub 2
Stomach > eructations > stool – 2-gr.  resources: kent.en 2 | openrep_pub 2
Stomach > eructations > stool > during – 2-gr.  resources: kent.en 2 | openrep_pub 2
Stomach > eructations > tallow, tasting of rancid – 3-gr.  resources: kent.en 3 | openrep_pub 3
Stomach > eructations > waterbrash – 3-gr.  resources: kent.en 3 | openrep_pub 3 (Ref: boenn_bogner, kent.en)
Stomach > eructations > waterbrash > menses, before – 2-gr.  resources: kent.en 2 | openrep_pub 2
Stomach > eructations > waterbrash > night – 2-gr.  resources: kent.en 2 | openrep_pub 2
Stomach > eructations > waterbrash > night > menses, during – 2-gr.  resources: kent.en 2 | openrep_pub 2
Stomach > evening – 3-gr.  resources: openrep_pub 3
Stomach > forenoon – 1-gr.  resources: openrep_pub 1
Stomach > fullness, sensation of – 3-gr.  resources: kent.en 3 | openrep_pub 3
Stomach > fullness, sensation of > eating – 3-gr.  resources: kent.en 3 | openrep_pub 3
Stomach > fullness, sensation of > eating > after – 3-gr.  resources: kent.en 3 | openrep_pub 3
Stomach > Gefühl > der Leere, Schwäche im Magen – 3-gr.  resources: BZH 3
Stomach > Gefühl > der Spannung im Magen – 2-gr.  resources: BZH 2
Stomach > Gefühl > der Völle im Magen > nach dem Essen – 3-gr.  resources: BZH 3
Stomach > Gefühl > des Pulsierens, Klopfens im Magen – 3-gr.  resources: BZH 3
Stomach > Gefühl > eines Klumpens im Magen – 2-gr.  resources: BZH 2
Stomach > hardness – 1-gr.  resources: kent.en 1 | openrep_pub 1
Stomach > heartburn – 3-gr.  resources: kent.en 3 | openrep_pub 3 (Ref: a2, boenn_bogner, c1, kent.en)
Stomach > heartburn > nausea, with – 2-gr.  resources: kent.en 2 | openrep_pub 2
Stomach > heartburn > pregnancy, during – 1-gr.  resources: openrep_pub 1 (Ref: c1)
Stomach > heartburn > supper, after – 1-gr.  resources: kent.en 1 | openrep_pub 1
Stomach > heat, flushes – 1-gr.  resources: kent.en 1 | openrep_pub 1
Stomach > heaviness – 2-gr.  resources: kent.en 2 | openrep_pub 2 (Ref: a2, kent.en)
Stomach > heaviness > eating – 2-gr.  resources: kent.en 2 | openrep_pub 2
Stomach > heaviness > eating > after – 2-gr.  resources: kent.en 2 | openrep_pub 2
Stomach > heaviness > morning – 2-gr.  resources: kent.en 2 | openrep_pub 2
Stomach > heaviness > morning > on waking – 2-gr.  resources: kent.en 2 | openrep_pub 2
Stomach > heaviness > waking, on – 1-gr.  resources: kent.en 1 | openrep_pub 1
Stomach > heaviness > weight, oppression – 1-gr.  resources: kent.en 1 | openrep_pub 1
Stomach > Heißhunger – 3-gr.  resources: BZH 3
Stomach > hiccough – 2-gr.  resources: kent.en 2 | openrep_pub 2 (Ref: a2, kent.en)
Stomach > hiccough > drinking – 1-gr.  resources: kent.en 1 | openrep_pub 1
Stomach > hiccough > drinking > after – 1-gr.  resources: kent.en 1 | openrep_pub 1
Stomach > hiccough > night – 1-gr.  resources: kent.en 1 | openrep_pub 1
Stomach > hiccough > night > sleep, during – 1-gr.  resources: kent.en 1 | openrep_pub 1
Stomach > hiccough > smoking – 2-gr.  resources: kent.en 2 | openrep_pub 2
Stomach > hiccough > smoking > while – 2-gr.  resources: kent.en 2 | openrep_pub 2
Stomach > Hunger, aber weiß nicht wonach – 2-gr.  resources: BZH 2
Stomach > indigestion (includes complaints after substances not otherwise described) – 3-gr.  resources: kent.en 3 | openrep_pub 3 (Ref: boenn_bogner, kent.en)
Stomach > indigestion (includes complaints after substances not otherwise described) > ice cream – 3-gr.  resources: kent.en 3 | openrep_pub 3
Stomach > indigestion (includes complaints after substances not otherwise described) > mental exertion, after – 2-gr.  resources: kent.en 2 | openrep_pub 2
Stomach > indigestion (includes complaints after substances not otherwise described) > onions, after – 2-gr.  resources: kent.en 2 | openrep_pub 2
Stomach > indigestion (includes complaints after substances not otherwise described) > pork, after – 3-gr.  resources: kent.en 3 | openrep_pub 3
Stomach > inflammation – 3-gr.  resources: kent.en 1 | openrep_pub 3 (Ref: boenn_bogner, kent.en)
Stomach > inflammation > catarrhal – 3-gr.  resources: openrep_pub 3 (Ref: boenn_bogner)
Stomach > Kleidung stört bei Magenbeschwerden – 2-gr.  resources: BZH 2
Stomach > loathing of food – 2-gr.  resources: kent.en 2 | openrep_pub 2
Stomach > lump, sensation of – 2-gr.  resources: kent.en 2 | openrep_pub 2 (Ref: a2, kent.en)
Stomach > lump, sensation of > eating, after – 1-gr.  resources: kent.en 1 | openrep_pub 1
Stomach > Magenschmerzen – 3-gr.  resources: BZH 3
Stomach > Magenschmerzen > abends – 3-gr.  resources: BZH 3
Stomach > Magenschmerzen > beim tiefen Einatmen – 2-gr.  resources: BZH 2