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Nux vomica (Nux-v.)

Id. Remedy Abbreviation Groups Common Name Links
232 Nux vomica Nux-v. Loganiaceae system-sat.de Die homöopathischen Fäden der Ariadne
provings.info systematics and provings

related: Bry. Hydr. Kali-c. Lyc. Ign. Lyc. Stry.
incompatible: Caust. Ign. Nux-m. Tab. Zinc.
antidote: Acon. Ambr. Ars. Bell. Camph. Cham. Cocc. Coff. Dig. Ign. Op. Plat.
comment: = Strychnos nux vomica, getrocknete Samen der Brechnuß (verschreibungspfl. < D4)
Repertory Nux vomica (Nux-v.) all  ≥2  ≥3 
25659 entries where grade ≥1
Extremities lower
Extremities lower > phenomena > pressure > foot – 2-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 2
Extremities lower > phenomena > pressure > hip – 3-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 3
Extremities lower > phenomena > pressure > leg – 3-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 3
Extremities lower > phenomena > pressure > toes – 2-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 2
Extremities lower > phenomena > pulsation – 4-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 4
Extremities lower > phenomena > pulsation > limb – 4-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 4
Extremities lower > phenomena > quivering – 2-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 2
Extremities lower > phenomena > quivering > thigh – 2-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 2
Extremities lower > phenomena > restlessness, impulse to move – 4-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 4
Extremities lower > phenomena > restlessness, impulse to move > limb – 4-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 4
Extremities lower > phenomena > rigidity – 3-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 3
Extremities lower > phenomena > rigidity > calf of – 3-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 3
Extremities lower > phenomena > sciatica, ischias antica – 3-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 3
Extremities lower > phenomena > sensitiveness – 4-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 4
Extremities lower > phenomena > sensitiveness > foot – 4-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 4
Extremities lower > phenomena > sensitiveness > foot > heels – 4-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 4
Extremities lower > phenomena > shooting – 4-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 4
Extremities lower > phenomena > shooting > sudden through parts – 4-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 4
Extremities lower > phenomena > short, as if – 2-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 2
Extremities lower > phenomena > short, as if > knee – 2-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 2
Extremities lower > phenomena > snapping, joint – 4-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 4
Extremities lower > phenomena > sore, excoriative pain – 3-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 3
Extremities lower > phenomena > sore, excoriative pain > foot – 2-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 2
Extremities lower > phenomena > soreness, ulcerative – 2-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 2
Extremities lower > phenomena > soreness, ulcerative > foot – 2-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 2
Extremities lower > phenomena > soreness, ulcerative > foot > soles of – 2-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 2
Extremities lower > phenomena > spasm, tonic – 3-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 3
Extremities lower > phenomena > spasm, tonic > foot – 2-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 2
Extremities lower > phenomena > spasm, tonic > joint – 3-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 3
Extremities lower > phenomena > spasm, tonic > joint > toes – 3-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 3
Extremities lower > phenomena > spasm, tonic > leg – 2-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 2
Extremities lower > phenomena > sprained or dislocative pain, as if – 2-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 2
Extremities lower > phenomena > sprained or dislocative pain, as if > hip – 2-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 2
Extremities lower > phenomena > sprained or dislocative pain, as if > joint – 2-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 2
Extremities lower > phenomena > sprained or dislocative pain, as if > joint > ankle – 2-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 2
Extremities lower > phenomena > sprained or dislocative pain, as if > joint > hip – 2-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 2
Extremities lower > phenomena > stiff – 4-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 4
Extremities lower > phenomena > stiff > joint – 4-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 4
Extremities lower > phenomena > stiff > joint > hip – 2-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 2
Extremities lower > phenomena > stiff > joint > knee – 4-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 4
Extremities lower > phenomena > stiff > leg – 3-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 3
Extremities lower > phenomena > stitches – 3-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 3
Extremities lower > phenomena > stitches > foot – 3-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 3
Extremities lower > phenomena > stitches > foot > heels – 3-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 3
Extremities lower > phenomena > stitches > foot > soles of – 2-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 2
Extremities lower > phenomena > stitches > joint – 2-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 2
Extremities lower > phenomena > stitches > joint > ankle – 2-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 2
Extremities lower > phenomena > stitches > joint > hip – 2-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 2
Extremities lower > phenomena > stitches > joint > knee – 2-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 2
Extremities lower > phenomena > stitches > leg – 3-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 3
Extremities lower > phenomena > stitches > thigh – 2-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 2
Extremities lower > phenomena > stumbling, uncertain gait – 4-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 4
Extremities lower > phenomena > swelling – 2-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 2
Extremities lower > phenomena > swelling > foot – 2-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 2
Extremities lower > phenomena > swelling > foot > dorsum of – 2-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 2
Extremities lower > phenomena > swelling > joint – 2-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 2
Extremities lower > phenomena > swelling > joint > knee – 2-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 2
Extremities lower > phenomena > swelling > joint > knee > white (tuberculosis - fungus articulosum) – 2-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 2
Extremities lower > phenomena > tearing, shooting – 5-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 5
Extremities lower > phenomena > tearing, shooting > foot – 3-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 3
Extremities lower > phenomena > tearing, shooting > foot > soles of – 3-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 3
Extremities lower > phenomena > tearing, shooting > hip – 5-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 5
Extremities lower > phenomena > tearing, shooting > joint – 2-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 2
Extremities lower > phenomena > tearing, shooting > joint > ankle – 2-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 2
Extremities lower > phenomena > tearing, shooting > joint > knee – 2-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 2
Extremities lower > phenomena > tearing, shooting > leg – 2-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 2
Extremities lower > phenomena > tearing, shooting > limb – 4-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 4
Extremities lower > phenomena > tearing, shooting > thigh – 3-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 3
Extremities lower > phenomena > tension – 4-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 4
Extremities lower > phenomena > tension > hip – 2-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 2
Extremities lower > phenomena > tension > joint – 4-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 4
Extremities lower > phenomena > tension > joint > knee – 4-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 4
Extremities lower > phenomena > tension > leg – 4-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 4
Extremities lower > phenomena > tension > leg > calf of – 3-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 3
Extremities lower > phenomena > tension > thigh – 2-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 2
Extremities lower > phenomena > tight shoes, as from – 2-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 2
Extremities lower > phenomena > trembling – 4-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 4
Extremities lower > phenomena > trembling > joint knee – 4-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 4
Extremities lower > phenomena > trembling > limb – 2-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 2
Extremities lower > phenomena > turned out – 2-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 2
Extremities lower > phenomena > turning of ankles – 2-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 2
Extremities lower > phenomena > twitching – 3-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 3
Extremities lower > phenomena > twitching > hip – 2-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 2
Extremities lower > phenomena > twitching > joint – 2-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 2
Extremities lower > phenomena > twitching > joint > hip – 2-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 2
Extremities lower > phenomena > twitching > joint > knee – 2-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 2
Extremities lower > phenomena > twitching > limb – 3-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 3
Extremities lower > phenomena > twitching > thigh – 3-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 3
Extremities lower > phenomena > ulcers or sores – 4-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 4
Extremities lower > phenomena > ulcers or sores > joint – 4-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 4
Extremities lower > phenomena > ulcers or sores > joint > knee – 4-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 4
Extremities lower > phenomena > ulcers or sores > leg – 2-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 2
Extremities lower > phenomena > ulcers or sores > thigh – 2-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 2
Extremities lower > phenomena > weak and weary – 4-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 4
Extremities lower > phenomena > weak and weary > joint – 3-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 3
Extremities lower > phenomena > weak and weary > joint > ankle – 3-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 3
Extremities lower > phenomena > weak and weary > joint > knee – 2-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 2
Extremities lower > phenomena > weak and weary > limb – 4-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 4
Extremities lower > right – 1-gr.  resources: boenn_allen 1
Extremities lower > sole – 1-gr.  resources: boenn_allen 1