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Plantae - Tracheobionta - Magnoliophyta - Magnoliopsida - Asteridae - Solanales - Solanaceae - Capsicum - Capsicum annuum

Capsicum annuum (Caps.)

Id. Remedy Abbreviation Groups Common Name Links
79 Capsicum annuum Caps. Solanaceae
cayenne pepper system-sat.de Die homöopathischen Fäden der Ariadne
provings.info systematics and provings
Wikispecies free directory of species
Dr. Duke s Phytochemical and Ethnobotanical Databases
NCBI Taxonomy Browser
CalPhotos University of California, Berkeley

related: Canth.
antidote: Calad. Camph. Chin. Cina Sulf.
comment: Getrocknete Früchte des spanischen Pfeffers (Paprika)
Repertory Capsicum annuum (Caps.) all  ≥2  ≥3 
8044 entries where grade ≥1
Larynx and Trachea
Larynx and Trachea > crawling > trachea > evening, lying down, after – 1-gr.  resources: kent.en 1 | openrep_pub 1
Larynx and Trachea > evening – 2-gr.  resources: openrep_pub 2
Larynx and Trachea > inflammation – 1-gr.  resources: openrep_pub 1 (Ref: boenn_bogner)
Larynx and Trachea > irritation – 1-gr.  resources: kent.en 1 | openrep_pub 1
Larynx and Trachea > irritation > larynx – 1-gr.  resources: kent.en 1 | openrep_pub 1
Larynx and Trachea > Larynx and trachea – 3-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 3 | kent.en 3 | openrep_pub 3 (Ref: a2, boenn_bogner, c1, kent.en)
Larynx and Trachea > larynx in general – 2-gr.  resources: openrep_pub 2
Larynx and Trachea > location, in general – 2-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 2
Larynx and Trachea > mucus – 1-gr.  resources: kent.en 1 | openrep_pub 1
Larynx and Trachea > mucus > trachea – 1-gr.  resources: kent.en 1 | openrep_pub 1
Larynx and Trachea > mucus in the air passages – 1-gr.  resources: kent.en 1
Larynx and Trachea > pain – 2-gr.  resources: kent.en 2 | openrep_pub 2 (Ref: a2, kent.en)
Larynx and Trachea > pain > soreness – 2-gr.  resources: kent.en 2 | openrep_pub 2 (Ref: a2, kent.en)
Larynx and Trachea > pain > soreness > larynx – 2-gr.  resources: kent.en 2 | openrep_pub 2 (Ref: a2, kent.en)
Larynx and Trachea > pain > soreness > larynx > coughing, on – 2-gr.  resources: kent.en 2 | openrep_pub 2
Larynx and Trachea > pain > soreness > larynx > singers – 1-gr.  resources: kent.en 1 | openrep_pub 1
Larynx and Trachea > pain > stitching – 1-gr.  resources: kent.en 1 | openrep_pub 1
Larynx and Trachea > pain > stitching > larynx – 1-gr.  resources: kent.en 1 | openrep_pub 1
Larynx and Trachea > pain > trachea – 1-gr.  resources: kent.en 1 | openrep_pub 1
Larynx and Trachea > pain > trachea > inhalation, on – 1-gr.  resources: openrep_pub 1
Larynx and Trachea > pain > trachea > inspiration, on – 1-gr.  resources: kent.en 1
Larynx and Trachea > phenomena – 3-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 3
Larynx and Trachea > phenomena > inflammation – 2-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 2
Larynx and Trachea > phenomena > mucus in, profuse – 3-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 3
Larynx and Trachea > phenomena > pain, aching, simple, etc. – 2-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 2
Larynx and Trachea > phenomena > pain, aching, simple, etc. > trachea – 2-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 2
Larynx and Trachea > phenomena > pressure – 2-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 2
Larynx and Trachea > phenomena > pressure > larynx – 2-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 2
Larynx and Trachea > phenomena > rending, tearing (larynx) – 2-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 2
Larynx and Trachea > phenomena > sticking – 2-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 2
Larynx and Trachea > phenomena > sticking > larynx – 2-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 2
Larynx and Trachea > phenomena > sticking > trachea – 2-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 2
Larynx and Trachea > phenomena > swollen, as if – 2-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 2
Larynx and Trachea > phenomena > tickling – 2-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 2
Larynx and Trachea > phenomena > tickling > trachea – 2-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 2
Larynx and Trachea > phenomena > ulcerative sensation – 2-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 2
Larynx and Trachea > phenomena > ulcerative sensation > larynx – 2-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 2
Larynx and Trachea > roughness – 1-gr.  resources: kent.en 1 | openrep_pub 1
Larynx and Trachea > Stimme > heiser – 3-gr.  resources: BZH 3
Larynx and Trachea > Stimme > heiser > durch Reden – 3-gr.  resources: BZH 3
Larynx and Trachea > tickling – 2-gr.  resources: kent.en 2 | openrep_pub 2 (Ref: c1, kent.en)
Larynx and Trachea > tickling > larynx – 2-gr.  resources: kent.en 2 | openrep_pub 2
Larynx and Trachea > tickling > larynx > in – 2-gr.  resources: kent.en 2 | openrep_pub 2
Larynx and Trachea > tickling > trachea, in – 2-gr.  resources: kent.en 2 | openrep_pub 2
Larynx and Trachea > tickling in the air passages – 2-gr.  resources: kent.en 2 | openrep_pub 2 (Ref: c1, kent.en)
Larynx and Trachea > tickling in the air passages > evening – 2-gr.  resources: kent.en 2 | openrep_pub 2
Larynx and Trachea > tickling in the air passages > evening > bed, in – 2-gr.  resources: kent.en 2 | openrep_pub 2
Larynx and Trachea > tingling, larynx – 2-gr.  resources: kent.en 2 | openrep_pub 2
Larynx and Trachea > trachea in general – 2-gr.  resources: openrep_pub 2
Larynx and Trachea > voice – 3-gr.  resources: kent.en 3 | openrep_pub 3
Larynx and Trachea > voice > hoarseness – 3-gr.  resources: kent.en 3 | openrep_pub 3
Larynx and Trachea > voice > hoarseness > overuse of the voice – 3-gr.  resources: kent.en 3 | openrep_pub 3
Larynx and Trachea > voice > hoarseness > talking – 3-gr.  resources: kent.en 3 | openrep_pub 3
Larynx and Trachea > voice > hoarseness > talking > from – 3-gr.  resources: kent.en 3 | openrep_pub 3
Menstruation > at beginning of menstruation – 1-gr.  resources: boenn_allen 1
Menstruation > concomitants before menses – 2-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 2
Menstruation > concomitants before menses > inguinal and ovarian region – 2-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 2
Menstruation > concomitants during menses – 4-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 4
Menstruation > concomitants during menses > in general – 2-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 2
Menstruation > concomitants during menses > nausea and vomiting – 3-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 3
Menstruation > concomitants during menses > stomach – 4-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 4
Menstruation > haemorrhage not at menstrual times – 2-gr.  resources: boenn_allen 2
Menstruation > leucorrhea, phenomena – 2-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 2
Menstruation > leucorrhea, phenomena > fetid, foul, etc. – 2-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 2
Menstruation > long – 1-gr.  resources: boenn_allen 1
Menstruation > Menstruation – 4-gr.  resources: boenn_allen 2 | boenn_bogner 4
Menstruation > phenomena – 2-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 2
Menstruation > phenomena > hemorrhage (uterine) – 2-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 2
Menstruation > phenomena > menses – 2-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 2
Menstruation > phenomena > menses > profuse, too – 2-gr.  resources: boenn_bogner 2