1: <?php
2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: 10: 11: 12: 13: 14: 15: 16: 17: 18: 19: 20: 21: 22: 23: 24: 25: 26: 27: 28: 29: 30: 31: 32:
34: include_once ("include/classes/login/session.php");
36: 37: 38: 39: 40: 41: 42: 43: 44:
45: function displayUsers($order_by = "last_activity", $order_type = "DESC") {
46: global $db;
47: $user_rows_ar = array(
48: "username" => _("Username"),
49: "userlevel" => _("Level"),
50: "email_registered" => _("Registered e-mail"),
51: "last_activity" => _("Last active"),
52: "registration" => _("Registered since")
53: );
54: $order = ($order_by === "userlevel") ? "$order_by $order_type, username" : "$order_by $order_type";
55: $select = implode(", ", array_keys($user_rows_ar));
56: $query = "SELECT $select FROM " . TBL_USERS . " WHERE username != 'pacha' ORDER BY $order";
57: $db->send_query($query);
58: $num_rows = $db->db_num_rows();
59: if ($num_rows == 0) {
60: $user_table = _("no users");
61: return $user_table;
62: }
65: $user_table = "<div class='scrollableUserContainer'>\n";
66: $user_table .= " <div class='scrollingUserArea'>\n";
67: $user_table .= " <table class='user_table'>\n";
70: $user_table .= " <thead>\n";
71: $user_table .= " <tr>\n";
72: foreach ($user_rows_ar as $row => $val) {
73: $row_class = ($row == "email_registered") ? "email" : $row;
74: $user_table .= " <th class='$row_class'><div>";
75: $field_is_current_order_by = 0;
76: if ($order_by != $row) {
77: $link_class="order_link_2";
78: if ($row == "username" || $row == "email_registered") {
79: $new_order_type = "ASC";
80: } else {
81: $new_order_type = "DESC";
82: }
83: } else {
84: $field_is_current_order_by = 1;
85: $link_class="order_link_2_selected";
86: if ( $order_type == "DESC") {
87: $new_order_type = "ASC";
88: } else {
89: $new_order_type = "DESC";
90: }
91: }
92: $user_table .= "<a class='$link_class' href='useradmin.php?order_by=$row&order_type=$new_order_type#user_table'>";
94: if ($field_is_current_order_by === 1) {
95: if ($order_type === 'ASC') {
96: $user_table .= '↑ ';
97: } else {
98: $user_table .= '↓ ';
99: }
100: }
102: $user_table .= "$val</a></div></th>\n";
103: }
104: $user_table .= " </tr>\n";
105: $user_table .= " </thead>\n";
108: $tr_results_class = 'tr_results_1';
109: $td_controls_class = 'controls_1';
110: $user_table .= " <tbody>\n";
111: while (list($username, $userlevel, $email_registered, $last_activity, $registration) = $db->db_fetch_row()) {
112: if ($userlevel < 6) {
113: $level = _("normal user");
114: } elseif ($userlevel == 6) {
115: $level = _("Editor");
116: } elseif ($userlevel == 9) {
117: $level = _("Administrator");
118: }
119: if ($tr_results_class === 'tr_results_1') {
120: $td_controls_class = 'controls_2';
121: $tr_results_class = 'tr_results_2';
122: } else {
123: $td_controls_class = 'controls_1';
124: $tr_results_class = 'tr_results_1';
125: }
126: $user_table .= " <tr class='$tr_results_class'>\n";
127: $user_table .= " <td class='$td_controls_class username'><div><a href='userinfo.php?user=$username' target='_blank'>$username</a></div></td>\n";
128: $user_table .= " <td class='$td_controls_class userlevel'><div>$level</div></td>\n";
129: $user_table .= " <td class='$td_controls_class email'><div>$email_registered</div></td>\n";
130: $user_table .= " <td class='$td_controls_class last_activity'><div>$last_activity</div></td>\n";
131: $user_table .= " <td class='$td_controls_class registration'><div>$registration</div></td>\n";
132: $user_table .= " </tr>\n";
133: }
134: $user_table .= " </tbody>\n";
135: $user_table .= " </table><br>\n";
136: $user_table .= " </div>\n";
137: $user_table .= "</div>\n";
138: $db->free_result();
139: return $user_table;
140: }
142: 143: 144: 145: 146: 147: 148:
149: function displayBannedUsers() {
150: global $db;
151: $query = "SELECT username, timestamp FROM " . TBL_BANNED_USERS . " ORDER BY username";
152: $db->send_query($query);
154: $num_rows = $db->db_num_rows();
155: if ($num_rows == 0) {
156: $banned_user_table = _("no banned users");
157: } else {
159: $banned_user_table = "<table style='text-align: left; border-spacing: 0; border-collapse: collapse; border: solid 1px;'>\n";
160: $banned_user_table .= "<tr><td style='padding:3px'><b>" . _("Username") . "</b></td><td style='padding:3px'><b>" . _("Time Banned") . "</b></td></tr>\n";
161: while(list($username, $timestamp) = $db->db_fetch_row()) {
162: $banned_user_table .= "<tr><td style='padding:3px'>$username</td><td style='padding:3px'>$timestamp</td></tr>\n";
163: }
164: $banned_user_table .= "</table><br>\n";
165: $db->free_result();
166: }
167: return $banned_user_table;
168: }
171: 172: 173: 174:
175: if (!$session->isAdmin()) {
176: $host = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
177: $uri = rtrim(dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']), '/\\');
178: $extra = "login.php";
179: header("Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8");
180: header("Location: http://$host$uri/$extra");
181: die();
182: } else {
183: 184: 185: 186:
187: $order_by = "last_activity";
188: $order_type = "DESC";
189: if (!empty($_REQUEST['order_by'])) {
190: $order_by = $_REQUEST['order_by'];
191: }
192: if (!empty($_REQUEST['order_type'])) {
193: $order_type = $_REQUEST['order_type'];
194: }
195: $user_table = displayUsers($order_by, $order_type);
196: $head_title = _("User administration") . " :: OpenHomeopath";
197: $skin = $session->skin;
198: include("skins/$skin/header.php");
199: ?>
200: <h1>
201: <?php echo _("User administration"); ?>
202: </h1>
203: <br>
204: <?php
205: if ($form->num_errors > 0) {
206: echo "<p class='error_message'>!*** " . _("Error in the request, please correct") . "</p><br>\n";
207: }
208: if (isset($_GET["count"])) {
209: $count = $_GET["count"];
210: printf("<p class='error_message'>!*** " . ngettext("%d record was deleted!", "%d records were deleted!", $count) . "</p><br>\n", $count);
211: }
212: ?>
213: <nav class="content">
214: <h2>
215: <?php echo _("Contents"); ?>
216: </h2>
217: <ul>
218: <li><a href="#user_table"><?php echo _("Users Table Contents"); ?></a></li>
219: <li><a href="#user_level"><?php echo _("Change the userlevel"); ?></a></li>
220: <li><a href="#delete_user"><?php echo _("Delete User"); ?></a></li>
221: <li><a href="#delete_inactive"><?php echo _("Delete Inactive Users"); ?></a></li>
222: <li><a href="#ban_user"><?php echo _("Ban User"); ?></a></li>
223: <li><a href="#banned_user"><?php echo _("Banned Users Table"); ?></a></li>
224: <li><a href="#repeal_ban"><?php echo _("Repeal the ban of a username"); ?></a></li>
225: <li><a href="#delete_records"><?php echo _("Delete records of a user"); ?></a></li>
226: </ul>
227: </nav>
228: <table class='usertable'>
229: <tr>
230: <td>
231: <?php
232: 233: 234:
235: ?>
236: <a id="user_table"><br></a>
237: <h3 style="text-align: center;"><?php echo _("Users Table Contents:"); ?></h3>
238: </td>
239: </tr>
240: <tr>
241: <td>
242: <?php
243: echo $user_table;
244: ?>
245: </td>
246: </tr>
247: <tr>
248: <td>
249: <span class="rightFlow"><a href="#up" title="<?php echo _("To the top of the page"); ?>"><img src="<?php echo(ARROW_UP_ICON);?>" alt="<?php echo _("To the top of the page"); ?>"></a></span>
250: </td>
251: </tr>
252: <tr>
253: <td><hr>
254: </td>
255: </tr>
256: <tr>
257: <td>
258: <?php
259: 260: 261:
262: ?>
263: <a id="user_level"></a>
264: <h3><?php echo _("Change the userlevel"); ?></h3>
265: <?php echo $form->error("upduser"); ?>
266: <form action="include/classes/login/adminprocess.php" method="POST">
267: <table>
268: <tr>
269: <td>
270: <?php echo _("Username:"); ?><br>
271: <input type="text" name="upduser" maxlength="30" value="<?php echo $form->value("upduser"); ?>">
272: </td>
273: <td>
274: <?php echo _("State:"); ?><br>
275: <select name="updlevel">
276: <option value="1"><?php echo _("Normal User"); ?></option>
277: <option value="6"><?php echo _("Editor"); ?></option>
278: <option value="9"><?php echo _("Administrator"); ?></option>
279: </select>
280: </td>
281: <td>
282: <br>
283: <input type="hidden" name="subupdlevel" value="1">
284: <input type="submit" value=" <?php echo _("Change userlevel"); ?> ">
285: </td>
286: </tr>
287: </table>
288: </form>
289: </td>
290: </tr>
291: <tr>
292: <td>
293: <span class="rightFlow"><a href="#up" title="<?php echo _("To the top of the page"); ?>"><img src="<?php echo(ARROW_UP_ICON);?>" alt="<?php echo _("To the top of the page"); ?>"></a></span>
294: </td>
295: </tr>
296: <tr>
297: <td><hr>
298: </td>
299: </tr>
300: <tr>
301: <td>
302: <?php
303: 304: 305:
306: ?>
307: <a id="delete_user"></a>
308: <h3><?php echo _("Delete User"); ?></h3>
309: <?php echo $form->error("deluser"); ?>
310: <form action="include/classes/login/adminprocess.php" method="POST">
311: <?php echo _("Username:"); ?><br>
312: <input type="text" name="deluser" maxlength="30" value="<?php echo $form->value("deluser"); ?>">
313: <input type="hidden" name="subdeluser" value="1">
314: <input type="submit" value=" Benutzer löschen ">
315: </form>
316: </td>
317: </tr>
318: <tr>
319: <td>
320: <span class='error_message'><?php echo _("Warning!"); ?></span> <?php echo _("It will also delete all repertorizations from the deleted user."); ?><br>
321: <?php echo _("If the user has made changes in the database, maintained them and the user will be banned, so that no one can register with the same username and change data."); ?><br>
322: <?php echo _("The ban may be lifted by administrators."); ?>
323: </td>
324: </tr>
325: <tr>
326: <td>
327: <span class="rightFlow"><a href="#up" title="<?php echo _("To the top of the page"); ?>"><img src="<?php echo(ARROW_UP_ICON);?>" alt="<?php echo _("To the top of the page"); ?>"></a></span>
328: </td>
329: </tr>
330: <tr>
331: <td><hr>
332: </td>
333: </tr>
334: <tr>
335: <td>
336: <?php
337: 338: 339:
340: ?>
341: <a id="delete_inactive"></a>
342: <h3><?php echo _("Delete Inactive Users"); ?></h3>
343: <p><?php echo _("This will delete all users (not administrators), who have not logged in to the site within a certain time period. You specify the days spent inactive."); ?></p>
344: <form action="include/classes/login/adminprocess.php" method="POST">
345: <table>
346: <tr>
347: <td>
348: <?php echo _("Days:"); ?><br>
349: <select name="inactdays">
350: <option value="30">30</option>
351: <option value="60">60</option>
352: <option value="90">90</option>
353: <option value="180">180</option>
354: <option value="365" selected="selected">365</option>
355: <option value="730">730</option>
356: </select>
357: </td>
358: <td>
359: <br>
360: <input type="hidden" name="subdelinact" value="1">
361: <input type="submit" value=" <?php echo _("Delete all inactive"); ?> ">
362: </td>
363: </table>
364: </form>
365: </td>
366: </tr>
367: <tr>
368: <td>
369: <span class='error_message'><?php echo _("Warning!"); ?></span> <?php echo _("It will also delete all repertorizations of the deleted users."); ?><br>
370: <?php echo _("If the users hade made changes in the database, maintained them and the user will be banned, so that no one can register with the same username and change data."); ?><br>
371: <?php echo _("The ban may be lifted by administrators."); ?>
372: </td>
373: </tr>
374: <tr>
375: <td>
376: <span class="rightFlow"><a href="#up" title="<?php echo _("To the top of the page"); ?>"><img src="<?php echo(ARROW_UP_ICON);?>" alt="<?php echo _("To the top of the page"); ?>"></a></span>
377: </td>
378: </tr>
379: <tr>
380: <td><hr>
381: </td>
382: </tr>
383: <tr>
384: <td>
385: <?php
386: 387: 388:
389: ?>
390: <a id="ban_user"></a>
391: <h3><?php echo _("Ban User"); ?></h3>
392: <?php echo $form->error("banuser"); ?>
393: <form action="include/classes/login/adminprocess.php" method="POST">
394: <?php echo _("Username:"); ?><br>
395: <input type="text" name="banuser" maxlength="30" value="<?php echo $form->value("banuser"); ?>">
396: <input type="hidden" name="subbanuser" value="1">
397: <input type="submit" value=" <?php echo _("Ban User"); ?> ">
398: </form>
399: </td>
400: </tr>
401: <tr>
402: <td>
403: <span class='error_message'><?php echo _("Warning!"); ?></span> <?php echo _("It will also delete all repertorizations of the deleted user."); ?><br>
404: </td>
405: </tr>
406: <tr>
407: <td>
408: <span class="rightFlow"><a href="#up" title="<?php echo _("To the top of the page"); ?>"><img src="<?php echo(ARROW_UP_ICON);?>" alt="<?php echo _("To the top of the page"); ?>"></a></span>
409: </td>
410: </tr>
411: <tr>
412: <td><hr>
413: </td>
414: </tr>
415: <tr>
416: <td>
417: <?php
418: 419: 420:
421: ?>
422: <a id="banned_user"></a>
423: <h3><?php echo _("Banned Users Table Contents:"); ?></h3>
424: </td>
425: </tr>
426: <tr>
427: <td>
428: <?php
429: echo displayBannedUsers();
430: ?>
431: </td>
432: </tr>
433: <tr>
434: <td>
435: <span class="rightFlow"><a href="#up" title="<?php echo _("To the top of the page"); ?>"><img src="<?php echo(ARROW_UP_ICON);?>" alt="<?php echo _("To the top of the page"); ?>"></a></span>
436: </td>
437: </tr>
438: <tr>
439: <td><hr>
440: </td>
441: </tr>
442: <tr>
443: <td>
444: <?php
445: 446: 447:
448: ?>
449: <a id="repeal_ban"></a>
450: <h3><?php echo _("Repeal the ban of a username"); ?></h3>
451: <?php echo $form->error("delbanuser"); ?>
452: <form action="include/classes/login/adminprocess.php" method="POST">
453: Benutzername:<br>
454: <input type="text" name="delbanuser" maxlength="30" value="<?php echo $form->value("delbanuser"); ?>">
455: <input type="hidden" name="subdelbanned" value="1">
456: <input type="submit" value=" <?php echo _("Repeal ban"); ?> ">
457: </form>
458: </td>
459: </tr>
460: <tr>
461: <td>
462: <span class="rightFlow"><a href="#up" title="<?php echo _("To the top of the page"); ?>"><img src="<?php echo(ARROW_UP_ICON);?>" alt="<?php echo _("To the top of the page"); ?>"></a></span>
463: </td>
464: </tr>
465: <tr>
466: <td><hr>
467: </td>
468: </tr>
469: <tr>
470: <td>
471: <?php
472: 473: 474:
475: ?>
476: <a id="delete_records"></a>
477: <h3><?php echo _("Delete records of a user"); ?></h3>
478: <p><?php echo _("Here you can, for example with vandalism, delete the database entries for a user. In the tables <strong> Materia Medica </strong> and <strong> symptom-remedy-relations </strong> will delete all messages while the user in the tables <strong>symptoms</strong>, <strong>main rubrics</strong>, <strong>remedies</strong>, <strong>source</strong> and <strong>languages</strong> Only the entries to which no records of other users reference."); ?></p>
479: <?php echo $form->error("deluserdata"); ?>
480: <form action="include/classes/login/adminprocess.php" method="POST">
481: <?php echo _("User, whose records should be deleted:"); ?><br>
482: <input type="text" name="deluserdata" maxlength="30" value="<?php echo $form->value("deluserdata"); ?>">
483: <input type="hidden" name="subdeluserdata" value="1">
484: <input type="submit" value=" <?php echo _("Deleting Data"); ?> ">
485: </form>
486: </td>
487: </tr>
488: <tr>
489: <td>
490: <span class='error_message'><?php echo _("Warning!"); ?></span> <?php echo _("You cannot undo changes."); ?><br>
491: </td>
492: </tr>
493: <tr>
494: <td>
495: <span class="rightFlow"><a href="#up" title="<?php echo _("To the top of the page"); ?>"><img src="<?php echo(ARROW_UP_ICON);?>" alt="<?php echo _("To the top of the page"); ?>"></a></span>
496: </td>
497: </tr>
498: </table>
499: <div class="clear"></div>
500: <?php
501: include("skins/$skin/footer.php");
502: }
503: ?>