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Plantae - Tracheobionta - Magnoliophyta - Magnoliopsida - Rosidae - Apiales - Apiaceae - Cicuta - Cicuta maculata

Cicuta maculata (Cic-m.)

Id. Heilmittel Abkürzung Gruppen Mundart Links
1139 Cicuta maculata Cic-m. Apiaceae
Umbelliferae/ Apiaceae
spotted water hemlock
spotted water-hemlock
spotted waterhemlock
common water hemlock
poison parsnip
spotted cowbane
spotted parsley
water hemlock Die homöopathischen Fäden der Ariadne Systematik und Prüfungen
Wikispecies free directory of species
Dr. Duke s Phytochemical and Ethnobotanical Databases
NCBI Taxonomy Browser
CalPhotos University of California, Berkeley

Repertorium Cicuta maculata (Cic-m.) alle  ≥2  ≥3 
2 Einträge mit Wertigkeit ≥1
Klinisches > Clinical – 1-w.  Quellen: openrep_pub 1 (Ref: c1)
Klinisches > tetanus – 1-w.  Quellen: openrep_pub 1 (Ref: c1)