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Crotalidae Gruppe

ID Heilmittel Abkürzung Gruppen Mundart Links
1035 Cenchris contortrix 599 Cench. Crotalidae OpenHomeopath
822 Bothrops alternatus 2 Both-a., Both-al. Viperidae
Wikispecies free directory of species
NCBI Taxonomy Browser
CalPhotos University of California, Berkeley
823 Bothrops lanceolatus 170 Both., Both-l. Viperidae
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CalPhotos University of California, Berkeley
120 Crotalus cascavella 1875 Crot-c. Crotalidae OpenHomeopath
121 Crotalus horridus 5083
Crotalus horridus atricaudatus
Crotalus horridus horridus
Crotalus atricaudatus
Crot-h. Viperidae
Timber Rattlesnake
crotale des bois
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CalPhotos University of California, Berkeley
194 Lachesis mutus 20688 Lach. Crotalidae OpenHomeopath
3677 Agkistrodon piscivorus / Toxicophis pugnax 4 Agki-p. Crotalidae OpenHomeopath
3753 Atropoides nummifer 0
Bothrops nummifer
Atro-n. Viperidae
Nauyaca o nayaraca saltadora Wikispecies free directory of species
NCBI Taxonomy Browser
CalPhotos University of California, Berkeley
3782 Bothriechis schlegelii 0
Bothrops schlegelii
Bothr-s. Viperidae
Wikispecies free directory of species
NCBI Taxonomy Browser
CalPhotos University of California, Berkeley
3783 Bothrops colombianus 0 Both-c. Viperidae
Wikispecies free directory of species
NCBI Taxonomy Browser
CalPhotos University of California, Berkeley
3784 Bothrops insularis 0 Both-i. Viperidae
Wikispecies free directory of species
NCBI Taxonomy Browser
CalPhotos University of California, Berkeley
3785 Bothrops jaraca 0 Both-j. Crotalidae OpenHomeopath
3786 Bothrops jararacussu 0 Both-ja. Viperidae
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NCBI Taxonomy Browser
CalPhotos University of California, Berkeley
Repertorium Crotalidae Gruppe alle  ≥2  ≥3 
Wie viele Mittel sollen mind. in der Rubrik sein? 2  3  4  5 
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Rücken > pain > aching > dorsal region > scapulae > under > left 3/5 Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Rücken > pain > aching, dull pain > dorsal region > scapulae > under > left 3/6 Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Gesicht > discoloration > mottled 3/8 Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Allgemeines > haemorrhage > orifices of the body, from 3/9 Crot-h. Lach. Both.
Klinisches > hemorrhage > orifices of the body, from 3/9 Crot-h. Lach. Both.
Hals innerer > choking > sleep, on going to 3/11 Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Gemüt/Geist > delusions > people > behind him > some one is 3/12 Crot-c. Lach. Cench.
Fieber > Fieber, septisches Fieber 3/14 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Gemüt/Geist > delusions > people > behind him 3/14 Crot-c. Lach. Cench.
Genitalien weiblich > metrorrhagia > fluid 3/15 Crot-h. Lach. Both.
Haut > Karbunkel 3/15 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Kehlkopf und Luftröhre > constriction > larynx > sleep > during 3/15 Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Allgemeines > Blutung > Blut gerinnt nicht 3/16 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Allgemeines > periodicity > annually 3/16 Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Gemüt/Geist > delusions > behind him 3/16 Crot-c. Lach. Cench.
Haut > eruptions > pustules > malignant 3/16 Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Gesicht > expression > besotted 4/17 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Kehlkopf und Luftröhre > constriction > larynx > sleep 3/17 Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Allgemeines > wounds > bleeding freely 3/20 Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Gemüt/Geist > speech > confused 3/20 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Hals innerer > Schlucken > von festen Speisen erschwert 3/20 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Klinisches > wounds > bleeding freely 3/20 Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Allgemeines > haemorrhage > blood does not coagulate 4/21 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Both.
Allgemeines > septicaemia 3/21 Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Bauch > Empfindlichkeit gegen Kleidung, Gürtel 3/21 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Extremitäten > paralysis > apoplexy (stroke), after 3/21 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Extremitäten > paralysis > apoplexy, after 3/21 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Hals äußerer > clothing agg. 3/21 Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Klinisches > hemorrhage > blood does not coagulate 4/21 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Both.
Atmung > difficult > sleep > falling asleep, when 3/22 Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Haut > ulcers > reopening of old 3/22 Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Mund > Entzündung der Zunge 3/22 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Magen > Kleidung stört bei Magenbeschwerden 3/24 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Modalitäten > Klimakterium, Krankheiten im 3/24 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Mund > Sprachverlust 3/25 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Klinisches > apoplexy (stroke) > conditions after 3/26 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Magen > clothing disturbs 3/26 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Hals innerer > swallowing > difficult > solids 3/27 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Haut > ulcers > gangrenous 3/27 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Modalitäten > Kleidung wird nicht ertragen 3/27 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Rücken > pain > aching > dorsal region > scapulae > under 3/27 Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Bauch > clothing, sensitive to 3/29 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Bauch > sensitive (to touch) > clothing, sensitive to, after eating 3/29 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Bauch > sensitive (to touch) > clothing, sensitive to, after eating > desires to uncover 3/29 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Gemüt/Geist > delusions > voices > hears 4/29 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Hals äußerer und Nacken > clothing agg. 3/29 Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Rücken > pain > aching, dull pain > dorsal region > scapulae > under 3/29 Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Brust > discoloration > spots 3/30 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Hals innerer > Schlucken > unmöglich 3/30 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Klinisches > septicemia, blood poisoning, pyemia 3/30 Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Hals innerer > Krampf der Speiseröhre (Ösophagus) 3/31 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Magen > Erbrochenes > grün 3/31 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Extremitäten > Schwellung > der Unterschenkel 3/32 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Auge > bleeding from eyes 3/33 Crot-h. Lach. Both.
Haut > cicatrices 3/33 Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Schweiß > staining the linen 3/33 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Auge > swelling 3/35 Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Bauch > inflammation > appendicitis 3/36 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Brust > affections of, heart 3/37 Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Extremitäten > discoloration > hand > back of 3/37 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Hals innerer > Gefühl > eines Klumpen im Hals, Globusgefühl 3/37 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Schweiß > eating > after agg. 3/38 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Fieber > exanthematic fevers > scarlatina 3/39 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Haut > cicatrices (scars) 3/39 Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Rücken > pain > dorsal region > scapulae > left > under 3/40 Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Haut > eruptions > carbuncle 3/42 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Gemüt/Geist > delusions > voices 4/43 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Bauch > Entzündung > des Bauchfells (Peritonitis) 3/44 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Allgemeines > clothing > intolerance of 3/45 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Atmung > difficult > sleep 3/46 Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Schweiß > eating > after 3/46 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Haut > ulcers > phagedenic 3/47 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Ohr > discharges > blood 3/47 Crot-h. Lach. Both.
Allgemeines > clothing 3/48 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Atmung > difficult > waking with 3/48 Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Fieber > septic fever 3/48 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Mund > stiff, tongue 3/48 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Mund > inflammation > tongue 3/49 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Auge > open > half open 3/50 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Gemüt/Geist > delusions > people 3/50 Crot-c. Lach. Cench.
Mund > speech > wanting 3/52 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Hals innerer > pain > swallowing > empty, on 3/53 Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Hals äußerer > goitre 3/53 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Hals innerer > spasms > oesophagus 3/54 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Haut > gangrene 3/54 Crot-h. Lach. Both.
Fieber > exanthematic fevers 3/55 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Gesicht > discoloration > sallow 3/56 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Genitalien weiblich > menopause 3/57 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Hals innerer > membrane > exudation, diphtheria, etc. 3/57 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Hals innerer > swallowing > impeded 3/57 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Bauch > sensitive (to touch) 3/58 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Extremitäten > swelling > lower limbs > dropsical 3/59 Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Mund > paralysis > tongue 3/60 Crot-c. Lach. Both.
Mund > pain > gums 3/61 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Mund > paralysis 3/61 Crot-c. Lach. Both.
Schweiß > eating 3/61 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Kehlkopf und Luftröhre > inflammation > larynx 3/62 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Mund > night 3/62 Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Stuhl > forcible, sudden, gushing 3/62 Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Brust > discoloration 3/63 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Gemüt/Geist > phenomena > mania, madness, rage, etc. 3/63 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Mund > froth > foam, from 3/64 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Rücken > pain > dorsal region > scapulae > left 3/64 Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Extremitäten > paralysis > hemiplegia 4/65 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Both.
Hals äußerer und Nacken > goiter 3/65 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Rücken > pain > aching > dorsal region > scapulae 3/65 Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Schlaf > dreams > dead 3/65 Crot-c. Crot-h. Cench.
Allgemeines > wounds 3/66 Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Gemüt/Geist > delusions > visions 3/66 Crot-c. Lach. Cench.
Kehlkopf und Luftröhre > inflammation > larynx (laringitis) 3/66 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Allgemeines > sleep > at beginning of, agg. 3/67 Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Hals innerer > membrane 3/67 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Hals innerer > spasms > esophagus 3/67 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Schweiß > clammy 3/69 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Magen > retching > cough, with 3/70 Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Mund > froth 3/70 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Gemüt/Geist > company, desire for 3/71 Crot-c. Crot-h. Cench.
Kopf > motions > movements, etc., in head 3/71 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Magen > vomiting > green 3/71 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Träume > dead 3/71 Crot-c. Crot-h. Cench.
Hals innerer > swallowing > impossible 3/72 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Rücken > pain > aching > dorsal region 3/72 Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Bauch > pain > hypochondria > right 3/73 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Extremitäten > pain > sore, bruised > shoulder 3/73 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Gesicht > lockjaw 3/74 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Bauch > constriction 3/77 Crot-c. Lach. Cench.
Gesicht > bloated 4/78 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Extremitäten > swelling > leg 4/81 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Gesicht > heat > flashes 3/81 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Gemüt/Geist > moaning > groaning 3/82 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Magen > coldness 3/82 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Nase > night 3/82 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Rücken > pain > aching, dull pain > dorsal region > scapulae 3/82 Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Hals innerer > spasms 3/83 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Schlaf > comatose 3/83 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Gemüt/Geist > suicidal disposition 3/87 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Haut > discoloration > bluish 3/87 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Rücken > pain > cervical region > extending 3/87 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Allgemeines > chorea 3/88 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Auge > eyebrows 3/88 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Kopf > pain > sides > right 3/88 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Gemüt/Geist > answers 3/89 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Kehlkopf und Luftröhre > pain > larynx 3/89 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Allgemeines > periodicity 3/90 Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Gemüt/Geist > suspicious 3/90 Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Extremitäten > swelling > upper limbs 3/91 Crot-h. Lach. Both.
Gesicht > heat > flushes 3/91 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Haut > sensitiveness 3/91 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Allgemeines > convulsions > epileptic 3/92 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Rücken > pain > sore > spine > spinal irritation 3/92 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Nase > epistaxis > blood 3/93 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Rücken > pain > sore > spine 3/93 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Extremitäten > itching > leg 3/95 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Klinisches > apoplexy (stroke) 3/95 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Ohr > pain > drawing in 3/95 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Gesicht > distortion 3/96 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Kehlkopf und Luftröhre > constriction > larynx 4/96 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Klinisches > wounds 3/96 Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Gemüt/Geist > speech > answers 3/97 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Klinisches > convulsions > epileptic 3/97 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Gemüt/Geist > timidity 3/98 Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Mund > speech > difficult 4/98 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Allgemeines > haemorrhage agg. 4/99 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Both.
Gemüt/Geist > moaning 3/99 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Allgemeines > haemorrhage 4/100 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Both.
Atmung > slow 3/100 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Gemüt/Geist > mania > madness 3/100 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Kehlkopf und Luftröhre > inflammation 3/100 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Klinisches > hemorrhage > agg. 4/101 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Both.
Bauch > liver and region of 3/102 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Extremitäten > swelling > lower limbs 3/102 Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Herz und Kreislauf > affections of, heart 3/102 Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Schwindel > lying 3/102 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Genitalien weiblich > pain > ovaries 3/103 Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Gesicht > lockjaw (trismus) 3/103 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Nase > tip 3/103 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Gemüt/Geist > death 4/104 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Gemüt/Geist > loquacity 3/104 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Rücken > scapula > left 3/104 Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Kopf > pain > sleep > after agg. 3/105 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Gemüt/Geist > delusions > imaginations, hallucinations, illusions 3/107 Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Mund > inflammation 3/108 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Haut > eruptions > pustules 3/109 Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Kehlkopf und Luftröhre > constriction 4/109 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Extremitäten > motion 3/110 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Gemüt/Geist > quarrelsome 3/111 Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Mund > bleeding > gums 3/111 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Bauch > pain > extending 3/112 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Gemüt/Geist > insanity > madness 3/112 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Gemüt/Geist > phenomena > illusions, delusions, visions, etc. 3/112 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Auge > open 3/113 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Auge > pupils > dilated 3/113 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Brust > anxiety > heart, region of 3/113 Crot-c. Lach. Cench.
Klinisches > chorea 3/113 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Husten > air 3/114 Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Urin > bloody 4/114 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Both.
Brust > pain > stitching > sides > left 3/115 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Extremitäten > discoloration > hand 3/115 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Kopf > pain > sleep > after 3/115 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Gemüt/Geist > laughing 3/116 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Herz und Kreislauf > anxiety, heart, region of 3/116 Crot-c. Lach. Cench.
Extremitäten > discoloration > fingers 3/117 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Gemüt/Geist > speech > loquacity 3/117 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Mastdarm und After > involuntary stool 3/117 Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Mund > discoloration > tongue > red 3/117 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Extremitäten untere > phenomena > cramps 3/118 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Gemüt/Geist > delusions > visual 3/118 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Gesicht > discoloration > yellow 3/118 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Kopf > pain > forehead > extending 3/118 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Auge > pupils > dilatation, mydriasis 3/119 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Nase > discharge > blood 3/119 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Extremitäten > paralysis > upper limbs 4/121 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Both.
Ohr > discharges 4/122 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Both.
Kopf > pain > sleep 3/123 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Atmung > anxious 3/124 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Auge > cornea 3/124 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Haut > ulcers > discharges 3/124 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Extremitäten > swelling > hand 3/125 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Allgemeines > numbness externally 3/126 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Bauch > constriction, contraction 3/126 Crot-c. Lach. Cench.
Gemüt/Geist > absent-minded 3/126 Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Haut > erysipelas 3/127 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Auswurf > morning 3/128 Crot-c. Lach. Cench.
Gemüt/Geist > delusions > sensory 4/129 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Gemüt/Geist > mistakes 3/129 Crot-h. Lach. Both.
Allgemeines > numbness > externally 3/132 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Bauch > hypochondrium > right 3/132 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Mund > ulcers 3/132 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Allgemeines > waking > on agg. 3/133 Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Haut > discoloration > red 3/133 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Schweiß > cold 4/133 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Both.
Allgemeines > waking 3/134 Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Gemüt/Geist > insanity 3/134 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Gemüt/Geist > speech > shrieking, screaming 3/134 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Gemüt/Geist > mania 3/135 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Rücken > pain > aching, dull pain > dorsal region 3/135 Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Atmung > arrested 3/136 Crot-c. Lach. Cench.
Hals innerer > lump, plug, etc., sensation of 3/136 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Haut > discoloration > yellow 3/136 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Auge > paralysis of optic nerve, amaurosis 3/137 Lach. Both. Cench.
Magen > heaviness > weight, oppression 3/137 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Allgemeines > touch > agg. 3/138 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Allgemeines > touch agg. 3/138 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Mastdarm und After > dysentery 3/138 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Bauch > inflammation 3/139 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Magen > vomiting > bile 3/139 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Gemüt/Geist > starting > sleep 3/140 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Mund > bleeding 3/141 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Extremitäten > numbness > hand 3/142 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Gemüt/Geist > Unentschlossenheit, Unschlüssigkeit 3/142 Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Kopf > motions 3/142 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Schlaf > morning 3/144 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Bauch > pain > hypogastrium 3/145 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Kehlkopf und Luftröhre > irritation > larynx 3/145 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Stimme und Sprechen > phenomena 3/145 Crot-h. Lach. Both.
Hals innerer > choking > constricting 3/146 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Extremitäten > swelling > foot 3/147 Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Allgemeines > touch 3/148 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Empfindungen und Beschwerden - allgemein > phenomena > side 3/148 Crot-h. Lach. Both.
Extremitäten > pain > rheumatic 3/148 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Kopf innerer > phenomena > heaviness 3/148 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Mund > speech 5/148 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Both. Cench.
Allgemeines > sleep 4/149 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Genitalien weiblich > ovaries 3/149 Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Bauch > pain > liver 3/150 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Magen > pain > sore > bruised, beaten (tenderness) 3/150 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Extremitäten > numbness > upper limbs 4/151 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Both.
Stimme und Sprechen > Voice and Speech 3/151 Crot-h. Lach. Both.
Extremitäten > trembling > hand 3/152 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Allgemeines > sensitiveness 3/153 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Extremitäten > pain > toes 3/153 Crot-h. Lach. Both.
Kopf > eruption 3/153 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Kopf > pain > stitching > temples 3/153 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Auswurf > bloody > spitting of blood 3/154 Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Husten > tickling > larynx, in, from 3/154 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Bauch > pain > sore > bruised, tenderness, etc. 3/155 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Auge > swollen 3/156 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Extremitäten > pain > hand 3/156 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Magen > heaviness 3/156 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Magen und Epigastrium > epigastrium 3/157 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Magen und Epigastrium > epigastrium > phenomena 3/157 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Brust > anxiety 3/158 Crot-c. Lach. Cench.
Brust > pain > heart 3/158 Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Extremitäten > pain > elbow 3/158 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Kopf > constriction > tension 3/159 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Sehen > phenomena > illusions 3/159 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Stuhl > bloody 3/159 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Auge > conjunctiva 3/160 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Hals innerer > esophagus 3/160 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Brust > sternum 3/161 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Hals äußerer und Nacken > phenomena 3/161 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Herz und Kreislauf > pain > heart 3/161 Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Kehlkopf und Luftröhre > tickling > larynx > in 3/161 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Magen > pain > sore 3/161 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Stuhl > yellow 3/161 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Genitalien weiblich > metrorrhagia 4/162 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Both.
Kehlkopf und Luftröhre > tickling > larynx 3/162 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Mund > morning 3/163 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Hals innerer > pain > swallowing 3/166 Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Urin > phenomena > micturition > urination 3/166 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Genitalien weiblich > menses > pain 3/167 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Genitalien weiblich > menses > painful 3/167 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Genitalien weiblich > menses > painful > dysmenorrhea 3/167 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Bauch > pain > bruised, tenderness 3/168 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Bauch > pain > burning 3/169 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Bauch > pain > hypochondria 3/169 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Brust > axilla 3/169 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Stuhl > watery > Stool, watery 3/169 Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Allgemeines > pulse > frequent 3/170 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Allgemeines > trembling externally 3/170 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Ohr > right 3/170 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Rücken > scapular region > phenomena 3/170 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Gesicht > discoloration > bluish 4/171 Crot-h. Lach. Both. Cench.
Urin > albuminous 3/171 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Extremitäten > contraction 3/172 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Extremitäten > eruption > upper limbs 3/172 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Hals innerer > inflammation 3/172 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Auswurf > bloody 4/174 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Hals innerer > swallowing > difficult 3/174 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Rücken > scapular region 3/174 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Allgemeines > trembling > externally 3/175 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Rücken > lumbar region - small of back 3/176 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Hals innerer > choking 4/177 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Kopf > night 3/177 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Urin > phenomena > micturition 3/177 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Rücken > pain > drawing 3/179 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Auge > pupils 3/180 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Allgemeines > numbness 3/181 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Gemüt/Geist > indifference > apathy, etc. 3/181 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Gemüt/Geist > starting 3/182 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Gemüt/Geist > forgetful 3/183 Crot-h. Lach. Both.
Magen > evening 3/183 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Magen > retching 3/183 Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Gesicht > expression 4/184 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Herz und Kreislauf > pulse > rapid, tachycardia 3/184 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Kehlkopf und Luftröhre > irritation 3/184 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Kopf innerer > phenomena > pressure 3/184 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Brust > constriction > tension, tightness 3/187 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Genitalien weiblich > menses > copious 3/187 Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Hören/Gehör > impaired 3/187 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Gemüt/Geist > talking 3/189 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Magen > thirst > extreme 3/189 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Hals innerer > swallowing 3/190 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Stuhl > watery 3/190 Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Bauch > pain > pressing 3/191 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Kopf > pain > sore, bruised 3/191 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Auge > canthi 3/192 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Husten > irritation in air passages, from 3/192 Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Schweiß > in general 3/192 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Allgemeines > side 3/193 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Kopf äußerer > phenomena 3/193 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Kehlkopf und Luftröhre > tickling 3/194 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Sehen > loss of vision (blindness) 4/195 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Both.
Auge > pain > pressing 3/196 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Blase > urination > involuntary 4/196 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Kehlkopf und Luftröhre > pain 3/196 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Extremitäten > palms 3/198 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Mund > palate 3/198 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Genitalien weiblich > leucorrhoea 3/199 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Kopf > brain 3/199 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Allgemeines > faintness > fainting 4/200 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Brust > pain > stitching > sides 3/200 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Kopf äußerer > Head-external 3/200 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Allgemeines > trembling 3/201 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Sehen > phenomena 3/201 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Extremitäten > coldness > hands 3/202 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Gemüt/Geist > indifference 3/202 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Husten > night 3/202 Crot-c. Lach. Cench.
Brust > pain > sore 3/203 Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Gemüt/Geist > delirium 3/203 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Gemüt/Geist > unconsciousness 3/204 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Genitalien weiblich > uterus 3/205 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Allgemeines > convulsions 3/207 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Magen > appetite > increased (hunger in general) 3/207 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Mund > gums 3/207 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Nieren/Harnleiter > pain 3/207 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Husten > tickling 3/209 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Auge > lachrymation 4/210 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Bauch > hypogastrium 3/210 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Allgemeines > heat 3/211 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Gemüt/Geist > memory, weakness of 3/211 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Gesicht > jaw 3/211 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Sehen > colors 3/211 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Hals äußerer und Nacken > Neck and External Throat 3/212 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Hals innerer > dryness 3/213 Crot-h. Lach. Both.
Bauch > liver 3/214 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Extremitäten > pain > shoulder 3/214 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Rücken > pain > dorsal region > scapulae 3/214 Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Allgemeines > pulse 3/215 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Extremitäten > discoloration 4/215 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Both.
Bauch > umbilicus 3/216 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Hals äußerer > External throat 4/217 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Rücken > pain > cervical region 3/217 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Kopf > pain > vertex 3/218 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Mund > tongue > phenomena 3/218 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Rücken > pain > sore 3/219 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Haut > ulcers 4/221 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Klinisches > hemorrhage 4/222 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Both.
Kopf > constriction 3/222 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Mund > throat (and gullet) > phenomena 3/223 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Extremitäten > coldness > foot 3/224 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Extremitäten > pain > foot 3/224 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Mund > throat (and gullet) 3/224 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Extremitäten > paralysis 4/225 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Both.
Auge > phenomena 3/226 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Blase > urination > frequent 3/226 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Gemüt/Geist > confusion of mind 3/226 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Magen > desires 4/226 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Extremitäten > pain > leg 3/227 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Bauch > pain > cutting 3/228 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Haut > discoloration 3/228 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Rücken > pain > dorsal region 3/228 Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Rücken > spine 3/228 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Brust > constriction 3/229 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Extremitäten > pain > upper limbs 3/229 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Nase > catarrh 3/230 Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Urin > phenomena 3/230 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Appetit > increased (hunger in general) 3/231 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Gemüt/Geist > speech 3/232 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Kopf > pain > forehead > eyes > above 3/232 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Kopf > pain > stitching 3/232 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Bauch > pain > sore 3/234 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Hals innerer > pain > sore 3/235 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Magen und Epigastrium > Stomach and Epigastrium 3/235 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Extremitäten > heat 3/237 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Extremitäten > trembling 3/237 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Extremitäten > pain > knee 3/238 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Herz und Kreislauf > pain 3/238 Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Nase > phenomena 3/238 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Kopf > pain > forehead > eyes 3/240 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Nase > epistaxis 4/241 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Both.
Herz und Kreislauf > pulse 3/242 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Extremitäten > hands 4/243 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Hals äußerer und Nacken > Neck 4/243 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Mund > salivation 4/243 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Sehen > dim 4/243 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Both.
Kehlkopf und Luftröhre > voice > hoarseness 3/244 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Genitalien weiblich > pain 4/245 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Klinisches > convulsions 3/245 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Extremitäten > pain > burning 3/246 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Bauch > hypochondria 3/247 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Bauch > hypochondrium 3/247 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Brust > palpitation heart 3/247 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Mastdarm und After > urging 3/247 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Extremitäten > pain > tearing 3/248 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Allgemeines > faintness 4/250 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Appetit > desires 4/251 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Extremitäten > itching 3/251 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Kopf > heat 3/251 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Klinisches > ulcers 4/252 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Extremitäten > elbow 3/253 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Genitalien weiblich > leucorrhea 4/254 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Kreislauf > Circulation 3/254 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Urin > copious (increased) 3/254 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Extremitäten untere > phenomena 3/255 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Gemüt/Geist > night 4/255 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Gesicht > heat 3/255 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Gesicht > lip 3/255 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Extremitäten > wrist 3/256 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Gemüt/Geist > sadness > mental depression 3/256 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Kopf > pain > forehead > in 3/257 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Kopf > pain > headache in general 3/258 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Nase > discharge 3/258 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Gemüt/Geist > phenomena 4/259 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Both.
Hören/Gehör > Hearing 3/260 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Mund > discoloration > tongue 3/260 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Mund > dryness 4/260 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Kopf > pain > sides 3/262 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Extremitäten > swelling 5/264 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Both. Cench.
Nase > pain 3/264 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Extremitäten > toes 4/265 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Both.
Extremitäten > cramps 3/266 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Auge > lid 3/267 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Kopf > vertex 3/269 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Mastdarm und After > diarrhoea 3/269 Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Rücken > scapula 4/269 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Brust > oppression 3/270 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Extremitäten > eruption 3/270 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Gemüt/Geist > anxiety 4/271 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Kopf > heaviness 3/271 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Kopf innerer > phenomena 3/271 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Extremitäten > forearm 3/272 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Extremitäten untere > Lower extremities 3/272 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Extremitäten > numbness 4/273 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Both.
Herz und Kreislauf > palpitation 3/274 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Gesicht > discoloration > red 3/276 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Kopf > pain > occiput 3/277 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Mund > discoloration 3/277 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Gemüt/Geist > fear 4/278 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Brust > pain > stitching 3/279 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Mund > pain 3/280 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Kehlkopf und Luftröhre > larynx in general 4/281 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Kehlkopf und Luftröhre > voice 3/282 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Rücken > pain > aching 4/283 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Auge > Eyes 3/284 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Gemüt/Geist > confusion 3/285 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Allgemeines > stiffness 3/286 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Extremitäten > pain > sore, bruised 3/286 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Gemüt/Geist > delusions 4/287 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Nieren/Harnleiter > Kidneys 3/287 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Extremitäten > shoulder 3/290 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Husten > dry 4/291 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Zähne > pain 4/295 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Extremitäten > coldness 5/297 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Both. Cench.
Kopf innerer > Head-internal 3/297 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Magen > appetite 3/297 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Klinisches > paralysis 4/298 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Both.
Mund > saliva 4/299 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Rücken > cervix 3/299 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Gemüt/Geist > sadness 3/300 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Magen > thirst 3/300 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Kopf > occiput 3/302 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Ohr > noises 3/302 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Rücken > dorsal region, back 4/304 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Rücken > dorsal region, back > left, right 4/304 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Rücken > pain > aching, dull pain 4/305 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Kopf > pain > pressing 3/306 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Allgemeines > weakness > enervation 3/309 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Schweiß > Perspiration 4/310 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Both.
Extremitäten > thigh 5/314 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Both. Cench.
Herz und Kreislauf > heart 4/314 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Atmung > difficult 4/316 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Kopf > temples 3/316 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Ohr > pain 4/317 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Extremitäten > weakness 3/318 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Schlaf > dreams 4/319 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Auswurf > Expectoration 4/321 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Empfindungen und Beschwerden - allgemein > phenomena 4/322 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Both.
Mund > taste 3/323 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Genitalien weiblich > menses 4/328 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Magen > eructations 3/328 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Extremitäten > knee 3/330 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Allgemeines > afternoon 3/331 Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Blase > urination 4/332 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Extremitäten > feet 4/334 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Gemüt/Geist > restlessness 3/334 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Magen > vomiting 4/336 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Both.
Extremitäten > fingers 4/338 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Both.
Magen > pain 3/338 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Rücken > lumbar region 3/339 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Schlaf > sleepiness 4/341 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Both.
Gesicht > discoloration 5/344 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Both. Cench.
Klinisches > inflammation 3/344 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Blase > bladder in general 4/345 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Zähne > Teeth 4/345 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Hals innerer > pain 4/348 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Träume > Dreams 4/348 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Extremitäten > lower limbs 4/351 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Appetit > Appetite 4/357 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Mastdarm und After > constipation 3/358 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Kopf > pain > forehead 3/359 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Magen > nausea 4/361 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Both.
Mund > tongue 3/362 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Auge > pain 3/363 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Extremitäten > upper limbs 4/374 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Both.
Kopf > forehead 3/377 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Sehen > Vision 4/377 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Both.
Kehlkopf und Luftröhre > Larynx and trachea 4/379 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Brust > pain 4/395 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Stuhl > Stool 4/395 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Haut > eruptions 4/398 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Bauch > pain 4/402 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Blase > Bladder 4/406 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Fieber > Fever 3/407 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach.
Ohr > Ear 5/408 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Both. Cench.
Herz und Kreislauf > Heart & Circulation 4/411 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Schwindel > Vertigo 4/411 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Both.
Allgemeines > weakness 4/412 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Both.
Mastdarm und After > diarrhea 3/419 Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Urin > Urine 4/419 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Both.
Atmung > Respiration 4/424 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Schlaf > Sleep 5/430 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Both. Cench.
Hals innerer > Throat 5/439 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Both. Cench.
Husten > Cough 4/441 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Genitalien weiblich > Genitalia female 5/445 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Both. Cench.
Rücken > pain 4/449 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Extremitäten > pain 4/462 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Both.
Nase > Nose 5/486 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Both. Cench.
Gesicht > Face 5/487 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Both. Cench.
Auge > Eye 5/497 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Both. Cench.
Rücken > Back 5/505 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Both. Cench.
Haut > Skin 5/516 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Both. Cench.
Mund > Mouth 5/520 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Both. Cench.
Magen > Stomach 5/526 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Both. Cench.
Bauch > Abdomen 4/540 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Brust > Chest 5/542 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Both. Cench.
Kopf > pain 4/544 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Mastdarm und After > Rectum 4/574 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Extremitäten > Extremities 5/576 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Both. Cench.
Gemüt/Geist > Mind 5/579 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Both. Cench.
Kopf > Head 4/587 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Cench.
Allgemeines > Generalities 5/608 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Both. Cench.
Klinisches > Clinical 5/786 Crot-c. Crot-h. Lach. Both. Cench.