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Clavicipitaceae Group

ID Remedy Abbreviation Groups Common Name Links
271 Secale cornutum 7701 Sec. Clavicipitaceae OpenHomeopath
1457 Ergotinum 11 Ergot. Clavicipitaceae OpenHomeopath
3639 LSD (Lysergic Acid Diethylamide) 1906 Lsd. Clavicipitaceae OpenHomeopath
Repertory Clavicipitaceae Group all  ≥2  ≥3 
How many remedies minimum shoud be in each rubric? 2  3  4  5 
Small rubrics are shown first.
Heart and Circulation > Heart & Circulation 3/411 Sec. Ergot. Lsd.
Skin > Skin 3/516 Sec. Ergot. Lsd.
Rectum and Anus > Rectum 3/574 Sec. Ergot. Lsd.
Clinical > Clinical 3/786 Sec. Ergot. Lsd.