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Products of the Cell Metabolism and Hormons Group

ID Remedy Abbreviation Groups Common Name Links
785 Bilirubinum 0 Bilir. Products of the Cell Metabolism and Hormons OpenHomeopath
404 Adrenalinum 23 Adren. Products of the Cell Metabolism and Hormons OpenHomeopath
701 Adenosinum triphosphoricum acidum 1 Atp. Products of the Cell Metabolism and Hormons OpenHomeopath
533 Adenosinum monophosphoricum acidum 0 Amp. Products of the Cell Metabolism and Hormons OpenHomeopath
98 Cholesterinum 35 Chol. Products of the Cell Metabolism and Hormons OpenHomeopath
1248 Cortico tropinum 6 Cortico Products of the Cell Metabolism and Hormons OpenHomeopath
1356 Desoxyribonucleicum acidum 7 Des-ac., Des-ac. Products of the Cell Metabolism and Hormons OpenHomeopath
1779 Histaminum 15 Hist. Products of the Cell Metabolism and Hormons OpenHomeopath
1856 Interferon alphaleucocytaire 0 Interf. Products of the Cell Metabolism and Hormons OpenHomeopath
247 Lecithinum 594 Lec. Products of the Cell Metabolism and Hormons OpenHomeopath
2596 Parathyreoidinum 0 Parathyr. Products of the Cell Metabolism and Hormons OpenHomeopath
2951 Ribonucleicum acidum 0 Rib-ac. Products of the Cell Metabolism and Hormons OpenHomeopath
3334 Thiaminum hydrochloridum 0 Thiam. Products of the Cell Metabolism and Hormons OpenHomeopath
2626 Pepsinum 2 Peps., Pep. Products of the Cell Metabolism and Hormons OpenHomeopath
1249 Cortisonum 9 Cortiso., Cortison. Products of the Cell Metabolism and Hormons OpenHomeopath
1855 Insulinum 0 Ins., Insulin. Hominidae
Products of the Cell Metabolism and Hormons
2954 Riboflavinum 0 Ribo., Ribof. Products of the Cell Metabolism and Hormons OpenHomeopath
Repertory Products of the Cell Metabolism and Hormons Group all  ≥2  ≥3 
How many remedies minimum shoud be in each rubric? 2  3  4  5 
Small rubrics are shown first.
Generalities > eating > amel. 3/57 Lec. Adren. Hist.
Mind > Langsamkeit 3/78 Cortico Cortiso. Hist.
Clinical > allergy 3/120 Adren. Cortiso. Hist.
Abdomen > Abdomen 3/540 Chol. Lec. Hist.
Clinical > Clinical 6/786 Chol. Lec. Adren. Cortiso. Hist. Peps.